SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Comparison of the developmental effects of lactase or bisphenol A antibody immobilized polycaprolactone/silk fibroin nanofibers on zebrafish embryos.
Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association
, cilt.191, ss.114871, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Polycaprolactone/silk fibroin electrospun nanofibers-based lateral flow test strip for quick and facile determination of bisphenol A in breast milk
, cilt.109, sa.10, ss.1455-1464, 2021 (SCI-Expanded)
Development of nanofiber based immunosorbent surface for the removal of fluoxetine from breast milk
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
, cilt.68, sa.16, ss.947-955, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)
Effect of freezing time on tissue factor activity of breast milk
, cilt.8, ss.275, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)
Protective role of edavarone against valproic acid induced changes in skin
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
, cilt.55, ss.286-291, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)
Effects of edavarone on cardiac damage in valproic acid induced toxicity
Ann Clin Lab Sci
, cilt.45, ss.166-172, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
Edavarone ameliorates the adverse effects of valproic acid toxicity in small intestine
Hum Exp Toxicol
, cilt.34, ss.654-661, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
, cilt.55, ss.489-490, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
The Effects of Lipoic Acid on Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in the Lungs of Valproic Acid-Treated Rats
Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry
, cilt.11, sa.4, ss.1441-1448, 2024 (Scopus)
The effect of heat treatment on the nutritional and antioxidant content of different milk types
Food and Health
, cilt.8, sa.4, ss.312-320, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)
Whitw Cabbage Exract Reduces The Harmful Effects of Amiodarone on Heart Tissue in Rats
, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Investigation of the Effects of Edaravone on Valproic Acid InducedTissue Damage in Pancreas
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
, cilt.21, ss.570-577, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Edaravone Ameliorates Valproate Induced Gingival Toxicity byReducing Oxidative Stress Inflammation and Tissue Damage
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
, cilt.20, ss.232-240, 2016 (Hakemli Dergi)
Effect of black cumin nigella stiva seed oil on gastric tissue in experimental colitis
Adv Environ Bio
, cilt.5, ss.483-490, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)
Lens and Skin Protein Glycation Lipid Peroxidation and Glutathione Levels in Vitamin C Administered Diabetic Rats
, cilt.24, ss.35-39, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
F Ü Sag Bil Tıp Derg
F Ü Sag Bil Tıp Derg
, sa.24, ss.35-39, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Salivary thromboplastic activity may indicate wound healing in tooth extraction
Balk J Stom
, cilt.14, ss.141-144, 2010 (Hakemli Dergi)
Salvary thromboplastic activity in diabetics and healthy controls
Clinical Oral Investigations
, cilt.8, ss.36-39, 2004 (Scopus)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 Haziran - 29 Ağustos 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
Which milk is more affected by heat treatment: Cow’xxs milk or goat milk?
nternational Eurasian Conference On Biological And Chemical Sciences, 28 - 29 Haziran 2019
The development of coaxial electrospun polycaprolactone/silk fibroin based nanofiber for antibody immobilization
18 th edition of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Material Science and Technology, 28 - 29 Ocak 2019
11. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi, 30 - 31 Mart 2018
The Comparison of Tissue Factor Activity of Milk Samples From Different Species.
International Meeting on Education and Research in Health Sciences, 3 - 05 Kasım 2017
The Effect of Temperature on The Composition of Milk From Different Species
International Meeting on Education and Research in Health Sciences, 3 - 05 Kasım 2017
VI.International Congress of Molecular Medicine, 22 - 25 Mayıs 2017
The Effect of Myrtus Communis Extract Administration on Bile Duct Ligated Rats’ Brain Tissue
VI.International Congress on Molecular Medicine, İstanbul, Türkiye, 22 - 25 Mayıs 2017
The effect of vitamin U on experimental epilepsy induced oxidative stress in skin
IVEK, 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacies, 26 - 29 Nisan 2017
Te effect of vitamin U on experimental epilepsy induced oxidative stress in skin
3.İlaç ve Eczacılık Kongresi, 26 - 29 Nisan 2017
The Effect of vitamin U on experimental epilepsy induced oxidative stress in skin
IVEK 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacies, 26 - 29 Nisan 2017, ss.811
RenalInjurywasReversedbyMyrtusCommunisExtract Administration in RatsWith Bile DuctLigation
6th International Chemistry Conference, 8 - 10 Kasım 2016
Renal Injury was Reversed by Myrtus Communis Extract Administration in Rats With Bile Duct Ligation
6th International Chemistry Conference, 8 - 10 Kasım 2016
TheEffect of Vitamin U on SubmandibularSalivaryGland of EpilepticSeizuresInducedRats
6th International Chemistry Conference, Suudi Arabistan, 8 - 10 Kasım 2016
Deneysel diyabette insülin ve melatonin tedavisinin beyin dokusu üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi
I.Marmara Eczacılık Kongresi, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Kasım 2016, ss.112
TheEffect of Edaravone on ValproicAcidAdministeredRats spleen
4th International BAU Drug Design Congress, 13 - 15 Ekim 2016
The Effects of Lipoic Acid on Rat Liver in Valproic Acid Toxicity
4th International BAU Drug Design Congress, Türkiye, 13 - 15 Ekim 2016
the effects of lipoic acid on rat submandibular salivary gland in valproic acid toxicity
6th international chemistry conferance, 8 - 10 Ekim 2016
Effect of exercise and caloric restriction on gastric tissue glutathione glutathione S transferase and sialic acid in metabolic syndrome model
28. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi , 2016 Mersin, Türkiye, Türkiye, 15 - 21 Ağustos 2016
Chard Beta Vulgaris L Var Cicla AmelioratesTheAdverse Effects of ValproicAcidToxicity in Small Intestine
6th World Congress of OxidativeStress, CalciumSignalingand TRP Channels, 24 - 27 Mayıs 2016
TheEffects of White Cabbage on Rat Skin in AmiodaroneToxicity
6th World Congress of OxidativeStress, CalciumSignalingand TRP Channels., 24 - 27 Mayıs 2016
Effect of ExercisesandCaloricRestrictiontoSomeBiochemicalParameters in Brain Tissues in MetabolicSyndrome
24th International Congress on Thrombosis, 4 - 07 Mayıs 2016
Effect of Exercises and Caloric Restriction to Some Biochemical Parameters in Brain Tissues in Metabolic Syndrome Model
24th Biennial International Congress on Thrombosis-EMLTD Congress2016, İstanbul, Türkiye, 4 - 07 Mayıs 2016
Deneysel Diyabette Melatonin Tedavisinin Böbrek Dokusu Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi
XIII. Ulusal Histoloji ve Embriyoloji kongresi, Türkiye, 30 Nisan - 03 Mayıs 2016
Amiodaraon ile oluşturulan toksisitede beyaz lahana Brassica oleracea I var capitata ekstraktının sıçan kas dokusu üzerine olası koruyucu etkisinin araştırılması
2nd International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies, 27 - 29 Kasım 2015, ss.220
Amiodaron ile oluşturulan toksisitede beyaz lahana Brassica Oleracea L Var Capitata ekstraktının sıçan kas dokusu üzerine olası koruyucu etkisinin araştırılması
2.İvec uluslararası ilaç ve eczacılık kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27 - 29 Kasım 2015
The Effect of Vitamin U on Pentylenetetrazol induced Epileptic Seizures in Rat Lung Tissue
XXVIII World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The Effect of Vitamin U on Pentylenetetrazol induced Epileptic Seizures in Rat Parotid Salivary Gland
XXVIII World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The effect of Vitamin U on Pethyleneterazol induced epileptic seizures in rat lung tissue
XXVIII World congress of the association of society of pathology and laboratory medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The Effect of Vitamin U on Pentylenetetrazol induced Epileptic Seizures in Rat Lung Tissue
XXVIII World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The Effect of Vitamin U on Pentylenetetrazol induced Epileptic Seizures in Rat Lung Tissue
XXVIII World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The effect of vitamin U on penthyleneterazol induced epileptic seizures in rat parotid salivary gland
XXVIII World congress of the association of society of pathology and laboratory medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
The Effect of Vitamin U on Pentylenetetrazol induced Epileptic Seizures in Rat Parotid Salivary Gland
XXVIII World Congress of the World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 18 - 21 Kasım 2015
Türkiye de içme sularında döteryum konsantrasyonu
DSİ, 4.Ulusal Hidrolojide izotop teknikleri sempozyumu, Türkiye, 5 - 09 Ekim 2015
Valproik asit toksisitesinde aort antioksidan parametreleri üzerine edaravonun etkisi
27. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Türkiye, 23 - 28 Ağustos 2015, ss.866
Effects of arsenic rich alkaline water on the embryos of zebrafish danio rerio
International Congress of Molecular Medicine, 20 - 22 Mayıs 2015
Effects of chard Beta vulgaris var L cicla on gastric tissue antioxidant enzymes in valproic acid induced toxicity
5th International Congress of Molecular Medicine, İzmir, Türkiye, 20 - 22 Mayıs 2015
Effect of Chard Beta vulgaris L var cicla on gastric tissue antioxidant enzymes in valproic acid induced toxicity
Interntional Congress of Molecular Medicine, From cell to Bedside, 20 - 22 Mayıs 2015, ss.63
The Effects of arsenic rich alkaline water on the embryos of zebrafish danio rerio
Interntional Congress of Molecular Medicine, From cell to Bedside, 20 - 22 Mayıs 2015, ss.147
Salivary oxidative stress markers in patients with oral lichen planus
5.International Congress of Molecular Medicine, From Cell to Bedside, 20 - 22 Mayıs 2015
Doku faktörü aktivitesi üzerine amiodaron un etkisinin araştırılması
9. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi ve l. Herkes için Hemostaz Kursu, Türkiye, 6 Mart - 08 Şubat 2015, ss.143
Termal deri Yanığında Doku Faktörü Aktivitesi
9. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi ve l. Herkes için Hemostaz Kursu, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Mart 2015, ss.145
Amiodaraon ile oluşturulan toksisitede beyaz lahana Brassica oleracea I var capitata ekstraktının sıçan kalp dokusu Üzerine etkisi
FARMAKON, Ulusal Eczacılık Öğrenci Kongresİ, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Mart 2015, ss.16
Valproik Asit Toksisitesinde Çeşitli Dokuların Doku Faktörü Aktivitesi
9. Ulusal Tromboz, Hemostaz ve Anjioloji Kongresi ve l. Herkes için Hemostaz Kursu, Türkiye, 6 - 08 Mart 2015, ss.144
Effect of Stinging Nettle Seed Oil on Gastric Tissues in Experimental Colitis
The 2nd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses, 3 - 04 Kasım 2010
Effect of black cumin seed oil on gastric tissues in experimental conditions
The 2nd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses, 3 - 04 Kasım 2010
Effects of periodontal treatment and antioxidant usage in type II diabetes mellitus patients with chronic periodontitis
EuroPerio 5, Madrid, İspanya, 29 Haziran - 01 Temmuz 2006
Effect of periodontal therapy glycemic control and gingival tissue lipid per oxidation and glutathione levels in type II diabetes mellitus
EuroPerio 5, Madrid, İspanya, 29 Haziran - 01 Temmuz 2006
Süt Dişi Çekiminin Tükürük Tromboplastik Aktivitesi Üzerine Etkisi
17. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, Türkiye, 8 - 11 Eylül 2003
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri
BİYOKİMYADA TEMEL VE ÖZEL KONULAR, Prof. Dr. Ayşen Yarat, Prof. Dr. Tuğba Tunalı Akbay, Prof. Dr. Ebru Işık Alturfan, Editör, AKADEMİSYEN KİTABEVİ A.Ş., İstanbul, ss.415-424, 2019
Akut Faz Reaksiyonu ve Akut Faz Proteinleri
Klinik Biyokimya, Emekli N / Yiğitbaşı T, Editör, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Tic Ltd Şti, ss.251-257, 2015
Aminoasidler ve Proteinler
Klinik Biyokimya, Emekli N / Yiğitbaşı T, Editör, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Tic.Ltd.Şti, ss.239-250, 2015
Laboratuvar El Klavuzu Klinik Tanı Parametrelerinin Kısaltmaları ve Açıklamaları
Laboratuvar El Klavuzu Klinik Tanı Parametrelerinin Kısaltmaları ve Açıklamaları, İstanbul, 2013