Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Psikolojik sermaye ve duygusal emeğin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışıyla ilişkisinde sosyal zekânın düzenleyici rolü

3.International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, İstanbul, Türkiye, 19 Ekim 2023

Workplace spirituality manifestation as a postmodern organizational mantra: The impacts of spirituality, compassion, and meaningfulness climate on employees’ psychological and behavioral outcomes

International Conference on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Cultures, Practices and Policies” [Management, Entrepreneurship and Economics] ICMEE, Delhi, Kanada, 15 - 16 Eylül 2023

Participative Decision-Making, Self-Leadership, and Creative Performance Behaviors: Toward an Expanded Theory of Behavioral Self-Management

7th International Hybrid Conference on Management Studies (ICMS-2021), Paris, Fransa, 05 Haziran 2021 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

The traumatic life experiences and ontological well-being: Insights from narrative psychology and self-memory theory

20. World LUMEN Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, Iasi, Romanya, 28 Mayıs 2021

Social justice and social connectedness: Identifying the links with psychological distress

20. World LUMEN Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, Iasi, Romanya, 28 Mayıs 2021

Üniversite öğrencilerinde gözlemlenen psikolojik uyumsuzluk, olumlu gelecek beklentisi ve öz-yeterlilik algısı üzerine bir araştırma

10th International Scientific Research Congress -Social and Educational Sciences, Ankara, Türkiye, 11 Nisan 2021

Evaluation of the effect of dark triad on motivation and conflict of interest in hospitals

Beykent 2nd International Health Sciences Research Days Congress, Plovdiv, Bulgaristan, 8 - 10 Kasım 2019


Beykent 2nd International Health Sciences Research Days Congress, Plovdiv, Bulgaristan, 8 - 10 Kasım 2019

The Impacts of Perceived Ethical Climate and Codes of Ethics on Employees’ Deviant Behaviors in Organizations

12th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, Iasi, Romanya, 15 - 17 Mayıs 2019, ss.308-330

The Relations of Toxic Workplace Environment with Perceived Burnout and Occupational Commitment: An Appraisal of Ecological Theory in Organizations

12th LUMEN International Scientific Conference/ Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, Romanya, 15 - 18 Mayıs 2019, ss.277-279

The Impacts of Perceived Ethical Climate and Codes of Ethics on Employees’ Deviant Behaviors in Organizations

12. LUMEN International Scientific Conference – Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, Iasi, Romanya, 15 - 17 Mayıs 2019

The Influence of Ethical Climate on Perceived Organizational Trust: A Study among Private Sector Employees in Turkey

2. LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference/Education, Quality Sustainable Development, Targovishte, Bulgaristan, 21 - 22 Kasım 2018

The Influences of Perceived Social Inclusion and Social Justice on Subjective Well-being: An Assessment of Ecological Theory in Organizational Psychology

VI. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, Roma, İtalya, 4 - 06 Eylül 2018, cilt.1, ss.152-153 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma

In Search for the Link between Psychological Sense of Community and Perceived Well-Being: An Organizational Level Approach

10. Lumen International Scientific Conference RSACVP 2018ESDPAL 2018, Suceava, Romanya, 26 - 29 Nisan 2018, cilt.1, ss.36-37

Counterproductive Use of Technology: Cyberloafing

4th International Management Information Systems Conference “Industry 4.0” (IMISC2017), İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 20 Ekim 2017, ss.35

An investigation of the potential antecedents and consequences of cyberloafing behaviors

European Association for Work Organizational Psychology 2017 (EAWOP 2017), Dublin, İrlanda, 17 - 20 Mayıs 2017

Responsible and Ethical Leadership A Discussion

15. World LUMEN 2016-ESDPAL, 14 Nisan 2016

A Study of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Involvement: The Moderating Role of Psychological Conditions of Meaningfulness and Safety

4th International Conference on Logos University Mentality Education Novelty (LUMEN), Lasi, Romanya, 10 - 12 Nisan 2014, cilt.149, ss.943-947 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

An Examination of the Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Innovative Work Behavior with the Moderating Role of Trust in Leader: A Study in the Turkish Context

3rd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management, İstanbul, Türkiye, 14 - 16 Kasım 2013, cilt.181, ss.23-32 identifier

A study of the relationship among organizational justice, psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior

2nd International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science (ICIBSoS), Jakarta, Endonezya, 4 - 05 Kasım 2013, ss.325-332 identifier identifier

The Influences of Participative Organizational Climate and Self-Leadership on Innovative Behavior and the Roles of Job Involvement and Proactive Personality: A Survey in the Context of SMEs in Izmir

2nd Annual International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Ekim 2012, cilt.75, ss.407-419 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma identifier

Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Postmodern Örgüt Kuramı, Örgüt Psikolojisi ve Psikanalitik Yaklaşım

Örgüt Kuramlarında Güncel Yaklaşımlar, Ataman Göksel, Mumcu Arrtür Yetvart, Editör, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, ss.415-451, 2022

A Discussion on Perceived Life Quality, Work-Family Conflict, and Workplace Bullying: Challenges for Modern Families and Human Capital

Handbook of Research on Integrating Spirituality in Modern Workplaces, Garg, Naval & Punia, Bijender, Editör, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, ss.26-43, 2022 Creative Commons License

Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik

Strateji: Yönetsel Bağlam Çerçevesinde Güncel Okumalar, Kaplan Mehmet, Editör, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya, ss.48-78, 2021

COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinde gözlemlenen psikolojik uyumsuzluk, olumlu gelecek beklentisi ve öz-yeterlilik algısı üzerine bir araştırma

Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Araştırmalar-5, Çakır, Özlem Çiftyıldız, Kemal, Editör, Berikan Yayınevi, Ankara, ss.183-211, 2021


Örgütsel Davranış ve Yönetim Psikolojisi, Ş.Şimsek, A.Çelik, T.Akgemci, A.Diken, Editör, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya, ss.629-638, 2020

An integrative overview of workplace affective states: Prospects for positive organizational behavior

Academic Studies in Administrative Sciences, Ayşe Özcan Buckley, Editör, Livre De Lyon, Lyon, ss.107-149, 2020

Modernizm ve postmodernizm bağlamında pozitif psikoloji ve pozitif örgütsel davranış

Disiplinlerarası Boyutuyla Örgütsel Davranış, A.Çiğdem Kırel, Ayça Güzel Özbek, Editör, Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa, ss.201-241, 2020

Kurumsal Yönetim Çerçevesinde Etik Sorumluluk ve Kurumsal Vatandaşlık

Kurumsal Yönetim ve Risk Yönetimi, Pınar Başar,Duygu Celayir, Editör, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.117-139, 2020

İşletmelerde Sosyal Sorumluluk Yönetimi

Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları, Çetin Sefa, Sadykova Güzel, Yıldırım Şükran, Editör, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, ss.183-221, 2019

Individual Differences:Personality, Perception, and Employee Attitudes

Organizational Behavior, Aytül Ayşe Cengiz, Editör, Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Yayınları, Eskişehir, ss.30-69, 2019

Organizational Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Work Exhaustion and Occupational Commitment: An Extension of the Job Demand-Control-Support Model

Recent Researches on Social Sciences, Roman Dorczak, Hasan Arslan, Rafat Musialik, Editör, Jagiellonian University Institute of Public Affairs Publishing, Krakow, ss.305-317, 2018

Human Capital and Social Capital: Building Paths to Organizational Sustainability

The Most Recent Studies in Science and Art, Arapgirlioğlu, H., Atik, A., Hızıroğlu, S.,Elliott, R.L., Atik, D., Editör, Gece Kitaplığı Yayınevi (Gece Publishing), Ankara, ss.886-902, 2018

White-collar criminals and organizational criminology: Theoretical perspectives

Ethics in Research Practice and Innovation, Sandu, Antonio, Frunza, Ana, Unguru, Elena, Editör, IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, ss.296-323, 2018

The Impact of Organisational Culture on the Two-Factor Model of Environmental and Psychological Empowerment: An Assessment of Behavioural and Motivational Approaches

Current Approaches in Social Sciences, Rasim Yılmaz, Günter Löschnigg, Hasan Arslan, Mehmet Ali İcbay, Editör, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, ss.387-403, 2015

A study of the relationship among organizational justice, psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior

Recent Trends in Social and Behaviour Sciences , Ford Lumban GaolSeifedine Kadry,Marie Taylor,Pak Shen Li, Editör, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ss.325-332, 2014 Creative Commons License




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