Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Orbital and dural involvement in multiple myeloma
British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)
, vol.29, no.3, pp.1, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
Treatment of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome Associated granulomatous colitis with anti-TNF agents: case series and review of literature.
European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
, vol.31, no.12, pp.1597-1600, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)
The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology
, vol.29, pp.254-255, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)
Prevalence of hepatic steatosis in apparently healthy medical students: a transient elastography study on the basis of a controlled attenuation parameter
, vol.28, no.11, pp.1264-1267, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
Human serum complement C3 and factor H in the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count.
American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)
, vol.62, no.4, pp.238-42, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
Articles Published in Other Journals
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Idiopathic common bile duct dilatation and the role of endoscopic ultrasound
EGEUS 7. European EUS congress, Torino, Italy, 27 - 28 November 2017, pp.19
The role of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the diagnosis and management of the cystic/solid lesions of pancreas
16. Eurasian Congress of Gastrtoenterology and Surgery, Mostar, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 27 - 30 April 2017, vol.7, pp.127-128
The outcome of the patients with idiopathic common bile duct dilatation referred to endoscopic ultrasound examination
16. Eurasian Congress of Gastrtoenterology and Surgery, Mostar, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 27 - 30 April 2017, vol.7, pp.128
A rare case of obstructive jaundice: Pancreas extramedullary plasmocytoma
16. Eurasian Congress of Gastrtoenterology and Surgery, Mostar, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 27 May - 30 April 2017, vol.7, pp.16-17
Prospective evaluation of the patients who present with acute pancreatitis
16. Eurasian Congress of Gastrtoenterology and Surgery, Mostar, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 27 - 30 April 2017, vol.7, pp.135-136
Sülfasalazin kullanımı sonrası gelişen Dress sendromu Olgu sunumu
33. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, Turkey, 22 - 27 November 2016
Hepatoselüler kanserde D vitamini ile yaşam süresi arasındaki ilişki
33. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Turkey, 22 - 27 November 2016
İrritabl barsak sendromlu hastalarda yüksek laktoz intolerans sıklığı
33.Ulusal gastroenetroloji haftası, Turkey, 22 - 27 November 2016
Bactericidal permeability increasing protein has no effect on remission of ulcerative colitis
The 4th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for Crohn's & Colitis, Kyoto, Japan, 7 - 09 July 2016
MT ND5 gene variants have both protective and risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease
The 4th Annual Meeting of Asian Organization for Crohn's & Colitis, Kyoto, Japan, 7 - 09 July 2016
Ülseratif kolitin hastalık aktivitesi bakterisidal permeabilite arttırıcı protein BPI düzeyi ile ilişkilidir
32. Ulusal Gastroenetroloji Haftası, Turkey, 25 - 29 November 2015
Latent tüberküloz tanısında interferon gamma salınım testi ile tüberkülin deri testinin karşılaştırılması
BUHASDER 6.Tepecik Enfeksiyon Günleri Sempozyumu, Muğla, Turkey, 4 - 08 November 2015
Mean Platelet Volume As An Inflammatory Marker In Inflammatory Bowel Disease
10th congress of ECCO, 18 - 21 February 2015