Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of Copper Transporter Genes in Plants
, vol.9, no.2, pp.278-291, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)
Long-Term Effects of Aluminum and Cadmium on Growth, Leaf Anatomy, and Photosynthetic Pigments of Cotton
, vol.44, no.21, pp.3076-3091, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Urban ecological characteristics and vascular wall flora on the Anatolian side of Istanbul, Turkey
, vol.4, no.3, pp.483-495, 2010 (SCI-Expanded)
Use of Pyracantha coccinea Roem. as a possible biomonitor for the selected heavy metals
, vol.7, no.3, pp.427-434, 2010 (SCI-Expanded)
Articles Published in Other Journals
Cadmium stress in barley seedlings: Accumulation, growth, anatomy and physiology
International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
, vol.4, no.2, pp.204-223, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The effects of cadmium on growth, some anatomical and physiological parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology
, vol.4, no.2, pp.235-253, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Autecology of Cephalaria taurica Szabó, A Narrow Endemic from Turkey: Plant-Soil Interactions
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology
, vol.10, no.9, pp.90-94, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Comparison of some Macro and Micro Mutrients in Tomato Fruits Exported Abroad from Turkey According to the Growth Conditions
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Screening of Genotoxic Damage in Clones of Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) A. Berger following Binary Application of Aluminum and Cadmium
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Evaluation of Genetic Variation Observed in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Varieties that are widely Cultivated in Kyrgyzstan
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
A Case Study Reporting Heavy Metal Pollution along Alamedin River in Bishkek City
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Investigation on Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relations of Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777) Populations Obtained from the Sea of Marmara
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Investigation of the Effects of Cement Dust Pollution on the Environment using Biomonitor Organism
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Analysis of Mineral Nutrition Status and Heavy Metal Contents in Selected Medical Plants used tn Traditional Treatments in Kyrgystan
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Examination of the Genetic Characteristics of the Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties Cultivated in Kyrgyzystan
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Post-Covid-19 World Cotton Economy
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Determination of phylogenetic relationships of the registered wheat and barley varieties cultivated in Kyrgyzstan by using trnL-trnF intergenic spacer regions
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
The Evaluation Report for the Losses Occurred in the Nearby Agricultural Fields Due to the Operation of the Cement Factory that is Established in Kant
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Human Health Risk Assessment for Heavy Metal and Trace Element Accumulations Found in Medicinal Plant Flowers that are used Commonly in Southern Turkey as Remedies
II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
Post-Covid-19 Agricultural Production
Economy and Trade, II International Biology Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18 - 22 May 2022, pp.1-2
A Comprehensive Approach to Understand COVID-19
1st International Congress on Multidiciplinary Studies in Medical Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey, 3 - 05 June 2020, pp.1-2
İstanbul’un farklı habitatlarından toplanan Borago officinalis L. bitkilerine ait populasyonların besin elementleri ve ağır metal seviyelerinin araştırılması
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 04 June 2019, pp.508-513
An Comparative Assesment on Phytoplankton Composition and Water Quality of Anamur and Riva Streams in Turkey
6th International Conference “Geography, Environment and GIS, for students and young researches, Targovishte, Bulgaria, 23 - 25 May 2019
A Comparative Assesment on Pytoplankton Composition and Water Quality of Anamur and Riva Streams in Turkey
6th International Conference Geography, Environment and GIS, Bucuresti, Romania, 23 - 25 May 2019, pp.1-2
Yapay Ortamlarda Ağır Metal (Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn) Kirliliğine Maruz Bırakılan Anubias barteri var. barteri Schott Bitkilerinde Besin Elementleri ve Ağır Metal Seviyelerinin Araştırılması, Investigation of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Levels of Anubias barteri var. barteri Schott Exposed to Heavy Metal (Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn) Pollution in Artificial Environments
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019
The Effects of some Heavy Metals (Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn) on Mineral Nutrient Status of Hygrophila difformis Blume in an Artificially Polluted Tank, Bazı Ağır Metallerin (Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn) Yapay Olarak Kirletilen Akvaryumlardaki Hygrophila difformis Blume Bitkisinin Mineral Beslenmesi Üzerine Etkileri
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019
Investigation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Starfish (Astropecten spinulosus) Populations and their Habitats from the Sea of Marmara, Marmara Denizi’ndeki Denizyıldızı (Astropecten spinulosus) Populasyonları ve Habitatlarında Ağır Metal Miktarlarının Araştırılması
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019
Investigation of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Levels of Borago officinalis L. Populations Collected from Different Habitats of İstanbul, İstanbul’un Farklı Habitatlarından Toplanan Borago officinalis L. Bitkilerine Ait Populasyonların Besin Elementleri ve Ağır Metal Seviyelerinin Araştırılması
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019
Investigation of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.) Populations Collected From Different Habitats of Istanbul, İstanbul’un Farklı Habitatlarından Toplanan Öksürük Otu (Tussilago farfara L.) Bitkilerine Ait Populasyonların Mineral Element ve Ağır Metal Birikiminin Araştırılması
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019
Investigation of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Levels of Borago officinalis L. Populations Collected from Different Habitats of Istanbul, İstanbul’un Farklı Habitatlarından Toplanan Borago officinalis L. Bitkilerine Ait Populasyonların Besin Elementleri ve Ağır Metal Seviyelerinin Araştırılması
Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, IMASCON, Kocaeli, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019, pp.1-2
Arundo donax as a Biomonitoring Tool for Determination of Heavy Metal Pollution in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018
Heavy Metal and Mineral Nutrient Statues of Populus nigra used for the Evaluation of Environmental Pollution in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018
Environmental Impacts of Pollution Caused By Uranium Radiation at the Former Uranium Waste Dump
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018
Monitoring Heavy Metal Pollution in Yalova Coast of the Sea of Marmara using Eelgrass Plants
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018
Heavy Metal and Mineral Nutrient Status of Widely used Medicinal Plants’ Seeds Marketed in Turkey Investigating the Health and Safety
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018
, Environmental Impacts of Pollution Caused By Uranium Radiation at the Former Uranium Waste Dump
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018, pp.1-2
Heavy Metal and Mineral Nutrient Status of Widely used Medicinal Plants’ Seeds Marketed in Turkey
Investigating the Health and Safety, II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018, pp.1-2
Assessment of Radiation Induced Genotoxic Damage in Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. Grown in the Area of Former Mine Tailings Located near Kaji-Sai Village in Kyrgyzstan using ISSR-PCR Analysis
II. International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 - 15 September 2018, pp.1-2
Al and Cd Accumulation in Kalanchoe Clones and their Impact on Plant Mineral Nutrition
International Symposium Ecology, Kastamonu, Turkey, 19 - 23 June 2018
Aluminum Stress Induced Physiological and Genotoxic Alterations in Bryophyllumdaigremontianum Raym.-Hamet H. Perrier
International Symposium of Ecology, 19 - 23 June 2018
Biomonitoring of heavy metal status in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan using Salix fragilis
International Ecology 2018 Symposium, 19 - 23 June 2018
Evaluation of the Heavy Metal Pollution in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan Using Mentha longifolia As Biomonitor Organism
International Ecology 2018 Symposium, 19 - 23 June 2018
Investigation of Phylogenetic Relationship in Some Trifolium Species from Istanbul/Turkey by Using cpDNA Regions
International Symposium Ecology, Kastamonu, Turkey, 19 - 23 June 2018, pp.1-2
Aluminum Stress Induced Physiological and Genotoxic Alterations in Bryophyllum daigremontianum Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier
International Symposium Ecology, Kastamonu, Turkey, 19 - 23 June 2018, pp.1-2
Biomonitoring of heavy metal status in Bishkek-Kyrgyzstan using Salix fragilis
International Symposium Ecology, Kastamonu, Turkey, 19 - 23 June 2018, pp.1-2
Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Analyses of Turkish rice (Oryza sativa) Varietiesby Using Chloroplast trnL-F Region and ISSR Markers
International Eurasian Conference onBiological and Chemical Sciences, 26 - 27 April 2018
Clostridium difficile Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Yenilebilir Aşı Adayı Olarak slpA Geninin Agrobacterium tumefaciens’e Klonlanması
13. ANTİMİKROBİK KEMOTERAPİ GÜNLERİ, İstanbul, Turkey, 6 - 08 April 2018, pp.1-2
Investigation of Heavy Metal Level and Mineral Nutrient Status of Kyrgyzstan Natural Walnut Populations: Plant and Soil Interactions
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017, vol.1
Evaluation of Phylogenetic Relationships of Turkish Sweet Corn (Zea mays var. saccharata Sturt.) Varieties by Using trnl-F Sequences
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
Floristic and Ecological Characteristics of Biotopes in Bayrampasa District (Istanbul), Turkey
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
The Effects of Cadmium on Mineral Nutrient Uptake and Accumulation of Aquatic Plant Alternanthera reineckii Griseb.
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
The Effects of Some Heavy Metals Mixture (Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) on Physiology and Genotoxicity of Aquatic Plant Myriophyllum spicatum L.
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
Investigation of Accumulation Capacity and Consequential Mineral Nutrient Status of Heavy Metal (CdCl2) Treated Ludwigia glandulosa Walter in Aquatic Tanks
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 September 2017
Investigation of Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Inbred Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Lines of Turkey by Using Molecular Markers (STMS, RAPD and ISSR)
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships in Some Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Varieties Cultivated in Turkey
The Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Analyses of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Collected from Urban Ecosystem
XIII. Congress of Ecology and Environment with international participation, 12 - 15 September 2017
Investigation of Chemotaxonomic Relationships in Some Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Cultivars in Turkey
Congress of Ecology and Environment with international participation, 12 - 15 September 2017
Fatty Acid Composition of Some Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Genotypes from Kyrgyzstan
The Eurasian Agricultureand Naturel Sciences Congress, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 20 - 23 September 2017
Genome-Wide and Comparative Analyses of Sulfite Oxidase (SOX) Genes inPlants: Bioinformatics Approaches
5th International Congress of theMolecular Biology Association of Turkey, 8 - 10 September 2017
Expression Profiles of Acetic Acid and/or Drought Induced Genes in SulphurAssimilation Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana Microarray Data Analyses
5th International Congress of theMolecular Biology Association of Turkey, 8 - 10 September 2017
Expression Profiles of Acetic Acid and/or Drought Induced Genes in Sulphur Assimilation Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana; Microarray Data Analyses
5th International Congress of the Molecular Biology Association of Turkey, İstanbul, Turkey, 8 - 10 September 2017, pp.1-2
Evaluation of Heavy Metal Accumulation Capacity and Mineral Nutrient Status of Aquatic Plant Vallisneria nana in Artificially Contaminated Media
The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), Shenzhen, China, 23 - 29 July 2017, pp.1-2
Determination of Heavy Metal and Mineral Elements in Flowers of Some Medicinal Plants Widely used in Turkey
The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), Shenzhen, China, 23 - 29 July 2017, pp.1-2
Effects of some Heavy Metal Mixture on Mineral Nutrient Status of an Aquatic Plant Tonina sp. Belem
The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), Shenzhen, China, 23 - 29 July 2017, pp.1-2
In Silico Comparative Analyses of Phytochelatin Synthase (PCS) Genes in Selected Plants: Employing Bioinformatics Approaches
The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC), Shenzhen, China, 23 - 29 July 2017, pp.1-2
Some Autecological Characteristics of Crocus flavus subsp. flavus from Istanbul-Turkey: Plant-Soil Interactions
Researchfora International Conference, Paris, France, 14 June 2017, pp.1-2
Evaluation of Heavy Metal Accumulation Capacity of Myriophyllum spicatum L. in Artificially Contaminated Tanks
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017
Investigation of Mineral Element and Heavy Metal Concentrations in Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita L.) Samples from Marmara Sea: Monitoring Sea Pollution Levels Using a Widely Distributed Organism in 2016 Summer Period
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017
Zostera marina Problem in the Northern Coasts of the Sea of Marmara: An Alternative Way for Solution
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017
Screening of Genotoxic Damage in Cadmium Induced Alternanthera reineckii Griseb
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017, pp.1-2
Assessment of Cd Induced Genotoxic Damage in Ludwigia glandulosa Walter Using RAPD Analysis
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017, pp.1-2
Physiological and Molecular Changes in Heavy Metals (Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) Induced Vallisneria nana R.Br.
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017, pp.1-2
Screening of Damage Induced by some Heavy Metals (Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) in Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell: A Genetic and Physiological Approach
Ecology 2017, International Symposium, Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017, pp.1-2
Investigation of Physiological and Molecular Changes in Heavy Metal-Induced Vallisneria nana Plants
ECOLOGY 2017, 11 - 13 May 2017
Genome-wide Identification and Expression Profile Analysis of Major Boron Transporter (BOR1) and Boric Acid Channel (NIP5;1) Genes in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) under Various Stress Conditions: Bioinformatics Approaches
International Symposium on Boron in Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey, 16 - 18 November 2016
Tolerance Evaluation of Registered Chickpea Varieties Against Didymella rabiei in the Cukurova Region of Turkey
IV International Ascochyta Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 11 October 2016
Correlation of Ascochyta Blight Severity in Chickpea with Pathotypes Mating Type Altitude Nodulation and Weed Density in Turkey
IV International Ascochyta Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 11 October 2016
Nohutta Ascochyta Yanıklığı Etmeninin Populasyon Karakterizasyonu ve Moleküler İşaretleyiciler Kullanılarak Bu Etmene Karşı Dayanıklı Genotiplerin Araştırılması
EXPO-2016 Antalya Organizasyonu, Antalya, Turkey, 9 - 10 October 2016, pp.1-2
Investigation of Heavy Metal (Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn) Accumulation Capacitiy of an Aquatic Plant Hygrophila polysperma, and Determination of Heavy Metal Effects on Plant Photosynthetic Pigments
3rd International Conference “Water Resources and Wetlands”, Tulcea, Romania, 8 - 10 September 2016
A Preliminary Study on the Phytoplankton Density, Some Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Elmalı Dam Lake (Istanbul, Turkey)
3rd International Conference “Water Resources and Wetlands”, Tulcea, Romania, 8 - 10 September 2016
Farklı Konsantrasyonlarda AlCl3 Uygulanmış Gözyaşı Bitkisi (Bryophyllum daigremontianum Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) Klonlarında Mineral Beslenme Durumunun Araştırılması
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016
Kaz Dağı Dar Endemiklerinden Olan Armeria trojana Bokhari & Quesel, Digitalis trojana Ivan ve Sideritis trojana Bornm’nın Yayılışları Üzerine Toprak Mineral Element Seviyelerinin Etkileri
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016
A Preliminary Study on the Phytoplankton Density, Some Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Elmalı Dam Lake (Istanbul, Turkey)
3rd International Conference “Water Resources and Wetlands”, Tulcea, Romania, 8 - 10 September 2016, pp.1-2
Ferulago trachycarpa BOISS. Bitkisinin Kaz Dağları Örneklerinin Mineral Besin Alım Özellikleri; Bitki-Toprak İlişkileri
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Investigation of Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Registered Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties in Turkey using STMS Molecular Marker
3. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Kaz Dağı Milli Parkından Toplanan Endemik Dianthus erinaceus BOISS. Bitkilerinin Mineral Beslenme Özelliklerinin Araştırılması
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Endemik Bir Bitki Olan Astragalus mitchelianus BOISS.’in Kaz Dağları Populasyonlarının Mineral Besin Dağılım Özellikleri
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı’ndan Toplanan Carduus nutans L. Bitkilerinin Mineral Beslenme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Endemik Dianthus arpadianus Ade & Bornm. var. trojanus Bornm. & Sint. Bitkisinin Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı Örneklerinin Mineral Beslenme Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Bir Kaz Dağı Endemiği Olan Centaurea odyssei Wagenits Bitkisinin Mineral Beslenme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Endemik Bir Bitki Olan Allium kurtzianum [Ascherson & Sint. ex] Kollmann Bitkisinin Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı Örneklerinin Bazı Ekolojik Özellikleri ve Mineral Beslenme Durumları
23. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Gaziantep, Turkey, 5 - 09 September 2016, pp.1-2
Genome-wide analysis of Galactinol Synthase (GolS) Genes in Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch)
Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 21 July 2016, pp.1-2
Genome-wide Identification of Sulphate Transporter (SULTR) Genes in Potato and Their Functional Analyses using RNA-Seq Perturbation Data
Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 21 July 2016, pp.1-2
Farklı Agrobacterium rhizogenes Suşları (A4, R1000 ve R8196) ile Gen Aktarılmış Ayçiçekleri’nin Topraktan Mineral Element Alımlarının İncelenmesi
Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 July 2016 - 21 July 2018, pp.1-2
Bazı Yerli Ayçiçeği (Helianthus annuus L.) Varyetelerine Farklı Agrobacterium rhizogenes Suşları (A4, R1000 ve R8196) ile Gen Aktarılması
Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 21 July 2016, pp.1-2
Optimization of Agrobacterıum-mediated Gene Transfer Systems in Turkish Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) varieties
19th International Sunflower Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29 May - 03 June 2016
Evaluation of WRKY and MYB Transcription Factors in some Downy Mildew Infected Sunflower Lines; Microarray Data Analysis
19th International Sunflower Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29 May - 03 June 2016
Expression Profiles of Drought Induced WRKY Transcription Factors in Some Sunflower Cultivars; Microarray Data Analysis
19th International Sunflower Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29 May - 03 June 2016, pp.1-2
Evaluation of WRKY and MYB Transcription Factors in some Downy Mildew Infected Sunflower Lines; Microarray Data Analysis
19th International Sunflower Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 29 May - 03 June 2016, pp.1-2
Genotoxic Effects of Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles in Triticum aestivum (wheat) Characterized by ISSR Analysis
Ülkemizde Yaygın Olarak Kullanılan Bazı Tıbbi Bitkilerin Ağır Metal ve Mineral Besin Elementi Profilleri
Doğal 2016 Uluslararası katılımlı Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Günleri 2016, Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 April 2016
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertner, Grown in the Industrial Area of Dilovasi-Kocaeli-Turkey
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), Singapore, Singapore, 02 April 2016, pp.1-2
Utilization of a Well-known Biomonitor Plant Robinia pseudoacacia L. to Evaluate Heavy Metal Pollution Levels in Istanbul/Turkey
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), Singapore, Singapore, 02 April 2016
Evaluation of Accumulation Capacity, Mineral Nutrient Status and Photosynthetic Pigment Contents in Aquatic Plant Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell in Relation to Heavy Metal Exposures
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), Singapore, Singapore, 2 - 05 April 2016
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Silybum mariaum (L.) Gaertner, Grown in the Industrial Area of Dilovası-Kocaeli-Turkey
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), Singapore, Singapore, 2 - 05 April 2016, pp.22
Assessment of Heavy Metal (Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn) Accumulation in Aquatic Hyperaccumulator Plant Egeria densa Planch. and Their Effects on Photosynthetic Pigment Concentrations
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS), Singapore, Singapore, 02 April 2016
Transformation of Arabidopsis BOR4 Gene to Develop B-tolerant Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cultivars
IX International Symposium on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, Cairo, Egypt, 13 - 17 March 2016
Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Arabidopsis BOR4 Gene to Develop B-tolerant Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cultivars
IX International Symposium on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, Cairo, Egypt, 13 - 17 March 2016, pp.1-2
Comparative in silico Analysis of Phosphoglycerate Kinase PGK Genes in Selected Plants
XXIV. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World), 9 - 13 January 2016
Comparative Molecular Docking Analysis of Urease with Urea in Glycine max and Medicago truncatula
XXIV. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World), California, United States Of America, 9 - 13 January 2016
Comparative Analysis of Phosphoglycerate Kinase Genes
XXIV. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World), California, United States Of America, 9 - 13 January 2016, pp.1-3
In vitro Propagation of some Widely Cultivated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) Varieties in Turkey
18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 19 December 2015, pp.1-2
Genome-wide Characterization of Boron Transporter Genes in Plants; Bioinformatics Approach
18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 19 December 2015, pp.1-2
In silico Approach of Identification and Comparative Analysis of Glutathione and Ascorbate Peroxidases in Plants
18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 19 December 2015, pp.1-2
In silico Identification and Characterization of Mn Transporters (Nramp1) in Different Plants
18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 19 December 2015, pp.1-2
In silico Comparative Analysis of Squalene Synthase (SQS) Proteins in Pine and Poplar Trees
18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 18 - 19 December 2015, pp.1-2
In silico Identification and Comparative Analysis of Copper Transporter Genes in Plants
Green Biotechnology Workshop, Kocaeli, Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2015, pp.1-2
Identification and Characterization of Molybdenum Transporter Genes in Plants; Bioinformatics Approaches
Green Biotechnology Workshop, Kocaeli, Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2015, pp.1-2
In silico Characterization of Silicon Influx (Lsi1) Transporter Genes in Plants
Green Biotechnology Workshop, Kocaeli, Turkey, 21 - 23 September 2015, pp.1-2
The Assessment of Heavy Metal Risk in Bishkek Using Fraxinus exelsior L. as a Biomonitor Organism
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
Mineral Nutrient Status of Cirsium byzantinum Steud., a Narrow Endemic Species from Istanbul/Turkey
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
The Evaluation of Seasonal Variations of some Trace Elements in Pinus nigra Arnold and co-located Soils Collected from Different Habitats in Bartin-Turkey
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Pinus pinaster Aiton and co-located Soils in the Vicinity of Bartin (Turkey)
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
The Screening of Heavy Pollution in Bishkek, Capital of Kyrgyzstan using Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and Co-located Soils
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
Determination of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Colchicum bivonae Guss from Abant Bolu Turkey
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, 14 - 18 September 2015
Determination of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Colchicum bivonae Guss from Abant/Bolu-Turkey
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015, pp.1-3
Determination of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Cochicum bivonae Guss from Abant Turkey
Turkey Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 - 18 September 2015
Mineral Element Distribution of Lycopersicon esculentum Miller Grown in Fields and Greenhouses in Turkey
14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rodos, Greece, 3 - 05 September 2015, pp.1-3
Phytoplankton Composition and Heavy Metal Concentrations of Lake Terkos (Istanbul, Turkey)
a Drinking Water Resource, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rodos, Greece, 3 - 05 September 2015, pp.1-3
Heavy Metal Accumulation and Mineral Nutrient Status of an Aquatic Plant Ceratophyllum demersum L. from Kandıra/Kocaeli-Turkey
Ulusal Botanik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 25 - 28 August 2015, pp.1-2
, Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Sparganium erectum L. from Abant-Bolu, Turkey
Ulusal Botanik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 25 - 28 August 2015, pp.1-2
Analysis of Some Ecological Features and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Crithmum maritimum L. from Kandıra Coast, Kocaeli-Turkey
Ulusal Botanik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 25 - 28 August 2015, pp.1-2
Investigation of Some Ecological Features and Heavy Metal Distribution in Otanthus maritimus L. from Kandıra/Kocaeli, Turkey
Ulusal Botanik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 25 - 28 August 2015, pp.1-2
Investigation of Mineral Nutrient and Heavy Metal Concentrations of Lactuca tatarica L. from Kandıra/Kocaeli-Turkey
Ulusal Botanik Kongresi, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 25 - 28 August 2015, pp.1-2
Current Status of Chickpea Ascochyta Blight in Turkey
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), Berlin, Germany, 24 - 27 August 2015, pp.1-3
Determination of Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Leaves of Some Widely Used Medicinal Plants in Turkey
ICCBES International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, 7 - 09 May 2015
Analysis of Heavy Metal and Mineral Nutrient Levels in Sinapis arvensis L. Plant, Grown in an Industrial Area
International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICCBES), Kyoto, Japan, 7 - 09 May 2015
In silico Comparative Analysis of Chloroplast Genome (cpDNA) and Some Individual Genes (rbcL and trnH-psbA) in Pooideae Subfamily Members
XIII International Conference on Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 11 - 12 February 2015
Investigation of Genetic Diversity of Tilia tomentosa Moench. (Silver Lime) in Duzce-Turkey
ICBMB 2015 : 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 11 - 12 February 2015
Genome Wide Analysis of Thionin Genes in Higher Plants Turkey
XXIII. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World), 10 - 14 January 2015
Genome-Wide Analysis of Thionin Genes in Higher Plants, Turkey
XXIII. International Plant & Animal Genome Conference (The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World), California, United States Of America, 10 - 14 January 2015, pp.1-2
An Investigation on Phytoplankton Density, Some Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Surface Water of Alibeyköy Dam Lake; One of the Water Resources of Istanbul, Turkey
2nd International Conference "Water resources and wetlands, Tulcea, Romania, 11 - 13 September 2014, pp.1-3
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development"
International Food Congress, Novel Approaches in Food Industry, NAFI 2014, Aydın, Turkey, 26 - 29 May 2014, pp.1-3
Monitoring Genotoxic, Physiological and Nutritional Damages in Oat (Avena sativa L.) Induced by Lead
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 15 - 18 May 2014, pp.1-3
Quantitative Analysis of Three Functional Genes (Mapk, Hsp70 and Mt) in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) After in vitro Lead Application
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 15 - 18 May 2014, pp.1-2
Evaluation of Molecular, Physiological and Nutritional Alterations Caused by Lead in Rye (Secale cereale L.)
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 15 - 18 May 2014, pp.1-2
Determination of Seasonal Heavy Metal Distribution in Pinus nigra Arnold and Soils in Bartin-Turkey
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 15 - 18 May 2014, pp.1-3
Molecular Screening of some Hsp Genes and Determination of Mineral Nutrient Status in Cadmium Exposed Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
The 5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 15 - 18 May 2014, pp.1-3
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Roadside Soil and its Effect on Plant Mineral Nutrition of Robinia pseudoacacia var. umbraculifera D.C. from Selected Roads in Istanbul/Turkey
Conference on Botany (CB 2014), Suzhou, China, 12 - 14 March 2014, pp.1-2
A New Local Endemic (Hieracium kazdaghensis), from Kaz Daği (Mount Ida) Turkey and Soil Mineral Nutrient Status of its Habitat
Conference on Botany (CB 2014), Suzhou, China, 12 - 14 March 2014, pp.1-2
Use of Plant Biotechnology in Allelopathy Researches
1. Africa-International Allelopathy Congress (AIAC-2014) Sousse, Susah, Tunisia, 6 - 09 February 2014, pp.1-2
Autecological Characteristics of Centaurea hermannii F. Hermann, An Endemic Species for Istanbul-Turkey
International Conference "Bioscience-development and new opportunities"-Kliment's Days, Oblast Sofia-Grad, Bulgaria, 20 - 22 November 2013, pp.1-2
Determination of Phytoplankton Density, Some Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Surface Water of Riva Stream; One of the Water Resources of Istanbul, Turkey
The 13. International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, (CEST2013), Athens, Greece, 5 - 07 September 2013, pp.1-2
Determination of Heavy Metal Deposition and its Effects on Nineral Nutrient Uptake Status of Pinus brutia Ten. for Assessment of Pollution Impact in its Habitat-Istanbul
The 13. International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Athens, Greece, 5 - 07 September 2013, pp.1-2
Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Boron Induced Sunflower
International Conference of Young Scientist, “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 18 - 22 June 2013, pp.1-2
Cadmium Stress Alters Nutrient Status of Bryophyllum daigremontianum
International Conference of Young Scientist, “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 18 - 22 June 2013, pp.1-2
A Study on Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Composition, Heavy Metal Contents and Nutrients in the Channel of Küçükçekmece Lagoon
International Conference of Young Scientist, “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 18 - 22 June 2013, pp.1-2
Floristic Properties, Soil Mineral Nutrients and Endemics of Kazdaği (Mount Ida) National Park
International Conference of Young Scientist, “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 18 - 22 June 2013, pp.1-2
Floristic Properties, Soil Mineral Nutrients and Endemics of Kazdağı (Mound Ida) National Park
International Conference of Young Scientists ”Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Scholkine, Ukraine, 8 - 12 June 2013, pp.202-203
Biyomonitör Olarak Kullanılan Bitkiler ve Çevre Kirliliğindeki Önemi
III. İleri Teknolojiler Çalıştayı, İstanbul, Turkey, 4 - 06 October 2012, pp.1-2
Germination, Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Centaurea consanguinea DC. Grown in Different Parts of Turkey
Kırgizistan Birinci Uluslararası Biyoloji Kongresi, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 24 - 26 September 2012, pp.93
Aspects of Onosma proponticum Aznav: A Narrow Endemic Plant From Istanbul-Turkey
First International Biology Congress in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 24 - 26 September 2012, pp.1-2
Effects of Drought Stress on Growth and Mineral Nutrition Status of Begonia corallina var. lucerna
Kırgızistan Birinci Uluslararası Biyoloji Kongresi, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 24 - 26 September 2012, pp.60-61
Mineral Nutrient Uptake Statuses of Selected Weed and Maize (Zea mays L.) Samples in a Newly Planted Cornfield
4th International Weed Science Congress, 6 - 08 September 2012
Study on Ecological Characters of Weed Flora in Some Selected Cereal Fields of Kocaeli Peninsula-Turkey
4th International Weed Science Congress, Peshawar, Pakistan, 6 - 08 September 2012
Plant Diversity of Month Ida (Kazdagı) and Its Ecological Features Related to Altitude, International Workshop on High Altitude Ecosystems and Climate Change
Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Islamabad, Pakistan, 3 - 05 September 2012, pp.1-2
Physiological and Genotoxic Alterations Induced by Boron in Helianthus annuus L. (Sunflower)
12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1 - 03 September 2012, pp.1-2
Mineral Elements in Veronica scutellata L. (grassleaf speedwell) from Bolu-Turkey: Soil-Plant Interactions
12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1 - 03 September 2012, pp.1-2
The Effects of Ni on Helianthus annuus L. Tissue Cultures in Different Developmental Phases
12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1 - 03 September 2012, pp.1-2
An Ecological Study of Endemic Plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and Its Environs
12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1 - 03 September 2012, pp.1-2
İstanbul’da Sedir Ağaçlarında Tespit Edilen Bazı Mantar Kökenli Hastalıklar
Türkiye 1. Orman Entomolojisi ve Patolojisi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 23 - 25 November 2011, pp.307
İstanbul’da Çınarlarda Görülen Mantar Kökenli Hastalıklar
Türkiye 1. Orman Entomolojisi ve Patolojisi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 23 - 25 November 2011, pp.188
İstanbul’da Sedir Ağaçlarında Tespit Edilen Bazı Mantar Kökenli Hastalıklar
Türkiye I. Orman Entomolojisi ve Patolojisi Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 23 - 25 November 2011, pp.1-2
Determination of Cd-induced Genotoxicity in Roman Nettle (Urtica pilulifera L.) Using RAPD-PCR Techniques
International Conference “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century”, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 9 - 12 November 2011, pp.1-2
Use of Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa as a Biomonitor Organism in Different Polluted Areas of Kocaeli-Turkey
International Conference Medicinal and Arıomatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 9 - 12 November 2011
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Soils and Mentha spicata subsp. tomentosa Grown in an Industrial Area, Dilovası-Kocaeli-Turkey
International Conference Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 9 - 12 November 2011, pp.149-150
Commonly Used Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Antakya (Hatay-Turkey)
International Conference “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century”, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 9 - 12 November 2011, pp.1-2
Changes in Antimicrobial Activity in Aluminum Treated Medicinal Plant Urtica pilulifera L.
International Conference of Young Scientists “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 9 - 13 August 2011, pp.1-2
Photosyntetic Pigments and Nutrient Accumulation in Bryophyllum daigremontianum Plantlets in Saline Conditions
International Conference of Young Scientists “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 9 - 13 August 2011, pp.1-2
Use of Platanus occidentalis L. Barks for Monitoring Roadside Pollution in Istanbul-Turkey
International Conference of Young Scientists “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 9 - 13 August 2011, pp.1-2
The Effects of Sodium Chloride Levels on Growth, Photosynthetic Pigments and Nutrient Uptake in Graptopetalum paraguayense
International Conference of Young Scientists “Advances in Botany and Ecology”, Rivne, Ukraine, 9 - 11 August 2011, pp.1-2
Changes in Mineral Nutrient Distribution in Foxglove Digitalis ferruginea L subsp Ferruginea Grown in Mount Ida Related to Altitude and Soil Structure
Structure International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mounth Ida) and Edremit, Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, 5 - 07 May 2011
Mineral Nutrient Distribution in Mount Ida Fir Abies nordmanniana subsp equi trojani Asch Sint ex Boiss Coode Cullen Populations
International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mounth Ida) and Edremit, Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, 5 - 07 May 2011
Changes in Mineral Nutrient Distribution in Foxglove (Digitalis ferruginea L. subsp. ferruginea) Grown in Mount Ida Related to Altitude and Soil Structure, Kaz Dağı’nda Yetişen Yüksükotu (Digitalis ferruginea L. subsp. ferruginea) Bitkilerinde Mineral Besin Dağılımının Yükseklik ve Toprak Yapısına Göre Gösterdiği Değişiklikler
International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mounth Ida) and Edremit, Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, Balıkesir, Turkey, 5 - 07 May 2011, pp.1-2
Determination of Some Mineral Nutrients in Soil Samples Collected from Different Areas of Mount Ida, Kaz Dağı’nın Farklı Bölgelerinden Alınan Toprak Örneklerinde Bazı Mineral Besin Elementlerinin İncelenmesi
International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mounth Ida) and Edremit, Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, Balıkesir, Turkey, 5 - 07 May 2011, pp.1-2
Mineral Nutrient Distribution in Mount Ida Fir “Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani (Asch. & Sint. Ex Boiss.) Coode & Cullen” Populations, Kaz Dağı Göknarı “Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani (Asch. & Sint. Ex Boiss.) Coode & Cullen” Populasyonlarında Mineral Besin Dağılımı
International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mounth Ida) and Edremit, Global Change in the Mediterranean Region, Balıkesir, Turkey, 5 - 07 May 2011, pp.1-2
Powdery Mildew Disease in Some Natural and Exotic Plants of Istanbul-Turkey
2nd International Conference of plant scientist and 11th national meeting of plant scientists, Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011
Mineral Element Distribution of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Seedlings Under Different Salinity Levels
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
The Wall Flora of Istanbul European Side
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients of Bay Tree (Laurus nobilis L.) in Bartın City-Turkey
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
Salinity Induced Genotoxicity in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
The effects of Aluminum on Growth and Mineral Distribution in Roman Nettle (Urtica pilulifera L.)
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
Influence of “Levothyroxine Sodium” on Growth and Uptake of Some Mineral Elements in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
Plant Communities in Urban Lands of Istanbul-Turkey
11. National Meeting of Plant Scientists (NMPS) and 2. International Conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011), Lahore, Pakistan, 22 - 24 February 2011, pp.1-2
Uptake and Accumulation of some Heavy Metals by Wild Type and Cultivated Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) in Istanbul-Turkey
20. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, Turkey, 21 - 25 June 2010, pp.1-2
İstanbul'dan Türkiye Kent Vejetasyonu İçin Yeni Bir Birlik: Lamio purpureum-Calenduletum arvensis ass. nova
20. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Denizli, Turkey, 21 - 25 June 2010, pp.1-2
Changes in Morphology and Leaf Anatomy of Graptopetalum paraguayensis in Response to Salt Stress
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009
Some Morphological and Anatomical Responses of Bryophyllum daigremontianum to Salt Stress
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, 7 - 11 September 2009
Morphology and Mineral Structure of Aluminum-treated Sorghum sp.
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009
Influence of Aluminum and Cadmium Stresses on Some Growth Parameters and Mineral Nutrition in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009
Cercis siliquastrum L. subsp. siliquastrum (Fabaceae) as a Biomonitor for Heavy Metal Pollution in Istanbul Turkey
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009, pp.1-2
Use of Celtis australis L. (Ulmaceae) as a Biomonitor in Istanbul-Turkey
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009, pp.1-2
The Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake in Broad Bean Vicia faba L. Seedlings
5. Balkan Botanical Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 September 2009, pp.1-2
Effects of Water Stress on Some Growth Parameters and Mineral Nutrition of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, Kayseri, Turkey, 6 - 11 July 2009
Effects of Aluminum Stress on Some Growth Parameters and Leaf Anatomy of Sorghum sp.
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, Kayseri, Turkey, 6 - 11 July 2009
Effects of Aluminum and Cadmium Stresses on Some Growth Parameters and Leaf Anatomy of Cotton Gossypium hirsutum L
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, 6 - 11 July 2009
The Possible Use of Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum L. Subsp. siliquastrum) as a Biomonitor for Cr, Fe and Ni in Istanbul (Turkey)
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, Kayseri, Turkey, 6 - 11 July 2009, pp.1-2
Effects of Aluminum and Cadmium Stresses on Some Growth Parameters and Leaf Anatomy of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution, Kayseri, Turkey, 6 - 11 July 2009, pp.1-2
Direct Organogenesis and Efficient Rooting from Cotyledonary Nodes of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
1. International Conference of Plant Scientists (10. National Meeting of Plant Scientists), Faisalabad, Pakistan, 21 - 24 April 2008, pp.1-2
Pyracantha coccinea Roem. (Rosaceae) as a Biomonitor for Cd, Pb and Zn in Mugla Province (Turkey)
1. International Conference of Plant Scientists (10. National Meeting of Plant Scientists), Faisalabad, Pakistan, 21 - 24 April 2008, pp.1-2