2017 - Continues Associate Professor
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
2009 - 2017 Assistant Professor
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
1997 - 2009 Research Assistant
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
2020 - Continues Assistant Director of the Institute
Marmara University, Institute For Graduate Studies İn Pure And Applied Sciences, Department Of Mechanical Engineering (Eng)
2020 - Continues Enstitü Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
Marmara University, Institute For Graduate Studies İn Pure And Applied Sciences
2009 - Continues Bölüm Tanıtım ve Mezunlarla İlişkiler Komisyonu Başkanı
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
2013 - 2024 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sertifika Programı Sorumlu Müdür
Marmara University, Rectorate
2015 - 2016 Head of Department
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
2009 - 2014 Deputy Head of Department
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Engineering Project II
Undergraduate Engineering Project I
Undergraduate Numerical Methods
Postgraduate Seminar
Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals
Doctorate Conduction Heat Transfer
Undergraduate Differential Equations
Undergraduate İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I
Undergraduate İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II
Undergraduate Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Doctorate Convection Heat Transfer
Undergraduate Internal Combustion Engines I
Undergraduate Heat Transfer
Postgraduate Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Postgraduate İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinde Elektrik
Postgraduate Combustion
Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics
Undergraduate Thermal Environmental Engineering
Undergraduate Linear Algebra
Postgraduate Numerical Methods for Engineers
Postgraduate Computational Fluid Dynamics
Undergraduate Introduction to Computing
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)
Soğuk Zincir Kutularında Peltier ile Soğutma Tasarımı ve Analizi
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)
Numerical study of jet impingement cooling on a flat plate
One dimensional modeling of SI engines fuelled with gasoline-alcohol blends
The generation of typical meteorological year and climatic database of Turkey for the energy analysis of buildings
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)
Evaluation of the technical and economic aspects of solar photovoltaic plants which were built under different climate conditions and feed-in tariff zones
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)
Investigation of optimum turbine blade profile by using CFD method to increase the efficiency of a solar chimney prototype
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)
CFD modeling of gas burners using renewable and fossil fuels
Determination of heat output of panel radiators using cfd and investigation of alternative designs
Renewable energy : in the context of Turkey’s energy policy with special reference to the EU policies
YILMAZ M. (Advisor)
Renewable energy: In the context of Turkey's energy policy with special reference to the EU policies
Yılmaz M. (Advisor)