2017 - Continues Assistant Professor
Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
2012 - 2013 Lecturer
Istanbul Kultur University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng, Department Of Computer Engıneerıng
2010 - 2011 Lecturer
Beykent University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng-Archıtecture, Department Of Computer Engıneerıng
2015 - 2017 Ar-Ge Proje Yöneticisi
İdea Teknoloji Çözümleri Bilg. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
2013 - 2015 Ar-Ge Mühendisi
İdea Teknoloji Çözümleri Bilg. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
2005 - 2006 Student Assistant
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
2005 - 2006 Student Trainee
Molex Electronic Solution, Ettlingen, Germany
2005 - 2005 Student (Holiday Job)
Mercedes Benz Daimler Chrysler, Rastatt, Germany
2004 - 2005 Software Engineer
TEMO Soft-Hardware Consulting e.K., Karlsruhe, Germany
Design aspects of machine learning algorithms for the hardware implementation of advanced driver assistance systems (A/DAS)
Design and implementation of a 3-phase 2-level inverter with output voltage regulation improvement
Bayar S. (Advisor)
Comparison of FPGA design methods through implementation of spatial image filters
Bayar S. (Advisor)
An area-efficient FPGA implementation of lane and obstacle detection for driving assistance systems
Bayar S. (Advisor)
Performance evaluation of a parallel image enhancement technique for dark images on multithreaded CPU and GPU architectures
Bayar S. (Advisor)
Distributed acoustic sensor acquired signals: detection, processing, classification, and parallel implementation
Bayar S. (Advisor)
Medical image processing on xilinx FPGAs
Bayar S. (Advisor)