Genel Bilgiler

Kurum Bilgileri: Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, Çocuk Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı
WoS Araştırma Alanları: Klinik Tıp (MED)
Avesis Araştırma Alanları: Sağlık Bilimleri




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Tez Danışmanlığı


Açık Erişim

BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları


Personal Information:

DegreeTitle:Professor of Pediatrics (16.02.2017)

Qualification: PhD on Social Pediatrics 

Date of Birth: 9.06.1974,

ORCHID ID: 0000-0002-9885-7656

Education and qualifications





Under-Graduate Medical Education, MD

School of Medicine

Marmara University


Post-Graduate Specialty Education

Department of Pediatrics

Marmara University


PhD on Social Pediatrics

Department of Social Pediatrics

Istanbul University, Institute of Health Science


Chief of the PhD programme on Social Pediatrics

Department of Pediatrics, Social Pediatrics PhD programme

Marmara University, Institute of Health Sciences



Graduate Thesis and Supervisor: Impact of antiepileptic drugs on thyroid function, lipid and bone metabolism, Yüksel Yılmaz, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Doctoral Thesis and Supervisor: Evaluation of fontanel size variation and closure time in children followed up from birth to 24 months

Fatma Oguz, MD, Professor of Pediatrics

Foreign Language:UDS 2007, score 96,250, YDS 2017 score 91,25


Research Assistant

Marmara University Medical Faculty Department of Pediatrics 


Specialist in Pediatrics

Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Research and Training Hospital, 2nd Clinic of Pediatrics


Specialist in Pediatrics

Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Social Pediatrics (Division Chief)


Department Chief

Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics



Teaching Experience:

  • Lectures for phase 5 students at Marmara University Medical Faculty (well child visits, breastfeeding counselling, complementary feeding, growth in children, sudden infant deaths, environmental hazards and child rights)
  • Lectures for interns at Marmara University Medical Faculty (well child visits, growth and development)
  • Lectures for pediatrics research assistants at Marmara University Medical Faculty (well child visits, growth and development, breastfeeding counselling, complementary feeding, immunization)

International Courses/Workshops

  • Marie S. Curie Actions Infoday Roadshow event, 17.5.2019, TÜBİTAK, European Commission
  • Workshop on PhD supervision in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, Orpheus, 3-4thMay, 2019
  • 1stInternational Eurasian Congress of Social Pediatrics, 28thNov-1stDec, 2018

·      Thinking Healthy Programme: Workshop for Trainers, Nov 2018


  • Responsive Behavioural Sleep Intervention for infants aged 6-18 months. The Blunden Responsive GeMSS Method, Australian Centre for Education in Sleep, 2ndDec 2018
  • ISSOP Kongress 2018, Bonn, 27-29 September, Early childhood intervention, science, systems and policies promoting healthy development of vulnerable children
  • Process-based ACT: An intermediate ACT II Workshop-Steven C. Hayes (Spain, 2017)
  • Evidence based care of mothers and babies (0-6 months): gaps and controversies (Australia, 2016)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Australia, 2016)
  • 1stInternational Developmental Pediatrics Congress (2015)
  • WHO/UNICEF Care for Child Development Intervention (2015)
  • I. International Congress on Child Protection (2014)
  • Child and Family Training, Child protection and decision making (2014)
  • Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (Bayley-III) (2014)
  • National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds, Bringing the

           protective factors framework to life in your work, 7 courses completed online              


  • XIX. ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect (2012)

On-going/recent research grants in global health 


·       Marmara University Scientific Research Commission (BAPKO): SAG-A-130313-0060. The impact of vitamin B12 levels on immune response in infants. Total budget49.395.05 TL Date: 13.03.2013-13.03.201


·       Marmara University Scientific Research Commission (BAPKO): SAG-C-TUP-100216-0036. Early childhood sleep problems: efficacy of parental education. Total Budget25.000.00 TL Date: 10.02.2016-10.02.2017


·       Marmara University Scientific Research Commission (BAPKO): SAG-A-091116-0488. Assessment of infant gut microbiota in vitamin B12 deficient and healthy infants. Total Budget: 53.100,00 TL. Date: 09.11.2016-2019

·       Marmara University Scientific Research Commission (BAPKO): SAG-C-TUP-131217-0647. Evaluation of factors affecting preterm sleep-wake cycles by actigraphy, aEEG, sleep diaries, and direct observation. Total budget: 29.589.00 TL. Date: 13.12.2017, ongoing


International book translation

·       Translation of Thinking Healthy: a manual for psychological management of perinatal depression. Sağlıklı Düşünmek: perinatal depresyonun psikososyal yönetimi için el kitabı/çev Prof.Dr.Perran Boran, İstanbul, Marmara Üniversitesi yayınları; No.850. ISBN: 978-975-400-411-3.


Selected invited lectures on global health – last 5 years 


·       Invited Lecture-National Social Pediatrics Symposium

Title: Approach to frequently encountered breastfeeding problems, 12thOct, 2019

·       Invited Lecture-I. International Congress of Breastfeeding Reality, 

Title: Optimal latching techniques for effective breastfeeding, 2ndSep, 2019

·       Invited Lecture-Marmara University, Faculty of Health Sciences, 10thMay, 2019

Title: Pediatrician approach to Developmental Coordination Disorder

·       Invited Lecture-Turkish Pediatrics Congress,Cyprus, 4thApril, 2019

Title: Frequently encountered problems in breastfeeding

·       Invited Lecture: Turkish National Association Education Meetings, 25thApril 2019

Title: Frequently asked questions by the parents

·       Invited Lecture: University of Health Sciences, Çocuk Dostları Congress, 7thMarch 2019

Title: Early Childhood Sleep Problems

·       Invited Lecture: Marmara University, Congress of Pediatrics, 22ndFebruary 2019

Title: Thinking Healthy: The impact of perinatal depression on child health

·       Invited Lecture: Marmara University, Congress of Pediatrics, 23rdFebruary 2019, Istanbul

Title: Vaccines-Autis-Thiomersal 

·       Invited Lecture: 1st International Eurasian Congress of Social Pediatrics, 28thNov 2018, Istanbul

Title: Sleep Disorders in Early Childhood Course Programme, Cued based sleep training methods for breastfeeding mother-infant pairs

·       Invited Lecture – Turkish Pediatrics Congress, Cyprus, 9th  May 2018

Title: Frequently encountered problems in children-Baby who does not sleep

·       Invited Lecture – National Social Pediatrics Symposium, Izmir, 14thOctober 2017

Title: Nutritional supplements in children-evidence based use of omega-3

·       Invited Lecture-Istanbul University Congress, Istanbul, 4thApril 2016

Title: Vaccines and autism

·       Invited Lecture – 59 th Turkish National Pediatric Congress, 7thNovember 2015

Title: Sleepless baby

·       Invited lecture – Turkish Pediatrics Congress, 17thMay 2015, Izmir

Title: Well Child Visits

·       Invited lecture – National Social Pediatrics Congress, Ankara, 20thDecember 2014

Title: Pediatric Sleep Problems




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Posta Adresi
Marmara Üniversitesi Pendik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ABD Fevzi Çakmak mah Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad No:10 34899 Pendik/İstanbul