Güssün Güneş was born in the district of Reşadiye in Turkey's province of Tokat. In 1996, she graduated from the Library Science Division of the Department of Documentation and Information at Istanbul University. Receiving a Master's Degree in 1999 from the same university, she was granted a Doctorate from Marmara University in 2009 in Information and Records Management. During the period 1996-2012, Güssün Güneş worked at Koç University School of Nursing as Library Supervisor and Lecturer. She has been serving, as from 2012, as an Associate Professor in the Department of Institutional Archives and as Head of the Department of Libraries and Documentation at Marmara University. Güneş taught Medical Documentation at Bezmialem Foundation University and also Medical Library Science in the Secretariat Division of the same institution over the period 2015-2016. She currently teaches "Communication Models and Techniques" at Marmara University Engineering School and "The Organization of Knowledge" at Medeniyet University and Research Methods in Health Sciences at İstanbul Medipol University Her academic studies include research in academic library science, medical library science, health literacy, medical librarianship, bibliotheraphy, digital libraries, information and technical services in library science, electronic resource management, metadata systems and classification, cataloging, the Semantic Web, history of culture, health informatics, preservation and conservation studies in libraries, endurable paper, professional health, dust and pollution in libraries and new generation library buildings, museum management and museum informatics. and AI Güssün Güneş has authored and published many academic articles, books, conference papers and posters.
- gussun.gunes@marmara.edu.tr
- Other Email
- gussung@gmail.com
- Web Page
- https://avesis.marmara.edu.tr/gussun.gunes
- Office Phone
- +90 216 777 3200 Extension: 3255
- Office
- GZFC. 307 3. KAT
- Address
- Marmara Üniversitesi İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü Göztepe Kampüsü 34722 Kadıköy / İSTANBUL TÜRKİYE