Genel Bilgiler

Kurum Bilgileri: Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Moleküler Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı
WoS Araştırma Alanları: Yaşam Bilimleri (Life), Moleküler Biyoloji Ve Genetik, Biyoloji Ve Biyokimya, Farmakoloji Ve Toksikoloji
Avesis Araştırma Alanları: Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik, Genetik Bozuklukların Moleküler Biyolojisi, Genetik Mühendisliği, Kanser Moleküler Biyolojisi, Temel Bilimler

Yayınlardaki İsimler: Susleyici Duman B



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Tez Danışmanlığı


Açık Erişim

BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları

Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ was born in 11. 10.1969 İstanbul/Turkey and completed her primary education in WestGreen Primary School, London while her father was a Military Attache in London,UK. Prof. Dr. SÜSLEYİCİ completed her undergraduate education at İstanbul University, Department of Biology-Molecular Genetics, her master's degree at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and her doctorate at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology. Prof. Dr. SÜSLEYİCİ completed her post-doc at the "Center for Preventive Medicine" in Nancy, France, with the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) Scholarship. Dr. SÜSLEYİCİ received her Associate Professor academic title from  Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Medical Biology Department in 2003. Currently she is Full-time faculty member at Marmara University Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Department of Molecular Biology, since 2007. Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ is currently continuing her responsibilities at Marmara University as Departmental Erasmus Coordinator, Director of Marmara University Environmental Problems Application and Research Center (Aug 2015- September 2023, Director of Marmara University Molecular Metabolism Research Laboratory and Pharmacogenetics Service Unit, Founder and President of Turkish Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Therapy Society (TSPPT), ESPT (European Society for Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Therapy) member, Eu-PIC (European Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium) Research and Diagnostic Board member, IFSO (International Federation for Metabolic Diseases and Surgery for Obesity) International Scientific Advisory Committee Member), IFSO Integrated Health Committee Member, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor European Genomic Federation (VEGF) Consortium Board Member, European Union Commission Research and Innovation Specialist, TOSS (Turkish Obesity Surgery Association) Board Member and Scientific Committee Chairman, Co-founder and CEO, Chairman of the Board of Gene-IST Molecular Genetic Medicine, R&D and Consultancy Services Ltd.

Having completed many international and national research projects, Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ's main scientific research areas include individualized genetic-based drug treatments (pharmacogenetics), metabolomics, transcriptomics, nutrigenomics and translational research on the molecular basis of chronic diseases (cancer/cardiovascular/psychiatric), primary cell culture studies on aging and investigation of molecular mechanisms for chronic disease, and the production of diagnostic-prognostic kits to determine individual specific drug responses. Prof. SÜSLEYİCİ has organized and chaired many National and International congresses and courses.

Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ is the Editor of Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences (TUJNS); Member of the Editorial Board of Jacobs Journal of Obesity and Chronicals and Obesity Diagnosis and Treatment; She continues to work as a scientific editor consultant in Diabetes Science Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatry, Hippocrates Cardiology, Frontiers in Nutrition, Trends in Endocrinology, Istanbul Bilim University Florence Nightingale Journal of Medicine and Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. She is a member of different scientific societies such as; Turkish Biochemistry Society, Society of Biology, Vascular and Molecular Cardiology Association, International Federation of Metabolic Diseases and Obesity Surgery (IFSO), International Federation of Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Medical Biology Association, ESPT (European Society for Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Therapy).  Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ has been a reviewer in high impact factor journals such as Molecular Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology, Cell and Pharmacogenetics, and she maintains her current positions as scientific board member in reputable international journals.

Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ has been continuing her studies in the field of Omics technologies, research of molecular causes of chronic diseases and Pharmacogenomics since 2000. Prof. Dr. Belgin SÜSLEYİCİ has 67 original research articles, 24 review articles, 130 international symposium summaries in Web of Science indexed journals.  She has apprx. 450 citations. She gave more than 50 international speeches/conferences upon invitation.

Dr. Süsleyici is and experienced well known scientist having completed numerous national international projects with high grants, high number of peer reviewed articles related to pharmacogenomics, disease molecular mechanisms, translational research, and an esteemed researcher owning a company located in technopark working for diagnostic/prognostic PGx kit production for personalized estimation of novel immunotherapeutic responses. She has supervised 24 MSc., PhD, and Post-Doc students in different scientific innovative topics   mainly on individualized drug response for chronic diseases.  She speaks fluent English, intermediate level of German and French.