Koray ERHAN was born in 1987 in Turkey. He received his B.Sc. in
Electrical Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, Turkey in 2010. Then
he completed his MSc in Electrical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University
in 2013. Finally, he got his Ph.D. at the Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
Kocaeli University in 2018. He is still continuing his MBA graduate education
at Istanbul Technical University. He became a research assistant in 2010 at
Istanbul Technical University and in 2013 at Kocaeli University. In 2018, he
started to work as a battery development engineer at AVL Research and
Engineering. He has worked on many current electric vehicle projects here. In
2020, he continued his academic career as an Assistant Professor at the Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Istanbul Gedik University. He is
currently holding the position of "Asst. Prof." at Marmara University
Department of Mechatronics Engineering since 2023. He has published more than 30
papers on different subjects including electric & hybrid electric vehicles,
automation systems, photovoltaic power generation systems, renewable energy
sources, energy storage technologies, and smart grid integration. He has been a
referee in SCI and other indexed journals.
- E-posta
- koray.erhan@marmara.edu.tr
- Diğer E-posta
- korayerhan@gmail.com
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.marmara.edu.tr/15032
- Fax Telefonu
- +90 0544 829 0417
- Ofis
- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Yerleşkesi T1 Blok - 216 numaralı oda