Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, 2019
Every stage of life contains different developmental difficulties and adjustment problems; Whether they are mental and physiological problems of childhood, problematic behaviors or physiological health problems of adolescence, the problems related to adulthood, or even problems about natural disasters, every problem can produce different outcomes in individuals’ lives within their own dynamics. The problems that individuals may face and the intensity and solutions of these problems vary depending on the characteristics of the society they live in. One of the best examples of this is that similar natural events have different effects in different regions. However, while people can, to a certain degree, more easily cope with problems related to natural events, they cannot find it as easy to overcome events they experience through the members of their society, and even if they do, these can change their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and values about the world, life, others, and themselves. Moreover, considering that we live in a society of information, it is not always necessary to experience negative or traumatic experiences directly to have changes in behavior, but witnessing or being aware of such experiences of others can be enough. On the other hand, those who cause these negative and traumatic experiences are also members of the same society; Hence, when justifying such actions of the perpetrators, we may even consider that the perpetrators may be the victims, and vice versa. Therefore, through a forward-looking interpretation, it is possible to say that human beings are both the perpetrators and the victims.
This emphasizes the biggest problem of humankind throughout history, the problem of human upbringing, since the basic principles of democracy are the assurance of humanity as a system to support the existence of each individual with their own qualifications. As stated by the relevant literature, even though there are many countries based on democratic understanding, there are still problems in its implementation. Systems are created by people, and people try to make life easier with these systems. In this context, democracy corresponds to an understanding of a fundamental value beyond a political system that people have developed to live together and that must be maintained.
In this regard, this research is based on the opinion that the members of a society cannot support the existence of the society as healthy individuals and that it is not possible to build a society on universal values as long as the society does not value the basic principles of democracy. The research was designed with the assumption that a social life complying with the democratic principles of justice, freedom and equality, accountability and relativeness will strengthen individuals' positive thoughts and behaviors towards the world, people, and themselves, while otherwise, the negative life experiences of a person or other members of the society will cause a negative meaning attributed to the outer world, people, and oneself, making different the values that they adopt to fulfill their needs. Accordingly, the aim of the study was to reveal the mediating role of world assumptions on the impact of the perceived democratic quality of life on values. Within the scope of this aim, it was investigated whether the characteristics differ according to the variables such as gender, socio-economic level, whether or not having experienced economic crisis in the last 5 years, doing additional work, and being unoccupied.
The findings of the study were discussed with an interdisciplinary point of view as much as possible and thus, one-dimensional, restrictive, and causal evaluation of the subjects of the research was avoided.