Ecological Footprint Calculation


RECYCLING AND REUSE APPROACHES FOR BETTER SUSTAINABILITY, ss.179-186, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Ecological footprint is a method that was created to calculate the load for nature of a specific population, and it also calculates the biological effective and water-containing areas which are required to obtain renewable sources for the use of people. The data obtained by the ecological footprint resource accounting provides guidance for strategic decisions on resource management. Many studies exist in the web area in order to calculate the ecological footprint automatically after entering the data. In this study, the questions in a web site were asked to people living in Istanbul in different age intervals. It was observed that the percentages of the components constituting the ecological footprints calculated for three different age ranges (three different age ranges between individuals aged 50 and below) varied according to the age ranges. In addition, the values of ecological footprints according to the education and income levels were examined for the male and the female individuals. For all the age ranges, it can be said that the ecological footprints of individuals with high economic income are higher than those with low economic income. Also, the ecological footprint of the males of the same income level is higher than the ecological footprints of the females.