Forensic Psychiatry and Ethical Approaches in Legal Issues. , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurşen Turan Yurtsever, Editör, NOVA Science Publishers Inc. , New York, ss.203-214, 2021
assessment of children and adolescents is an important and specialized area in
child and adolescent psychiatry. Nearly every child and adolescent psychiatrist
or other professional working with children and adolescents is requested to
assess forensic cases and is expected to write objective forensic reports with
clear language. A multidisciplinary approach helps to reach a more integrative
perspective and to identify blurry points in the cases, thereby contributing to
the quality of the evaluation. Child maltreatment may affect all domains of
development and may have short and long term adverse effects on mental and
physical health. Maltreatment can also negatively affect the development of a
secure attachment between the child and his/her primary caregivers, and may
jeopardize the ability to build healthy relationships throughout life.
Therefore, recognizing abuse and neglect, reducing the risk, increasing
resilience, and helping to reach the best possible outcome for the
child/adolescent are important in terms of the approach to maltreatment.
Therefore I would like to describe the key points related to the interview of
forensic cases, highlight the facilitating and attention requiring aspects in
the evaluation, and reflect the perspective of child and adolescent psychiatry.