Bilecik Şeyh Edebalı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, cilt.2, sa.2, ss.407-416, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
İran’da 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren, Humeyni döneminde baskı altına alınan siyasetin
rekabetçi özellikleri yeniden ortaya çıkmıştır. SSCB’nin dağılması, ABD’nin siyasi ve
ekonomik yapısının talep edilebilir tek sistem algısını güçlendirirken, bu durum İran
siyasetinde özellikle ekonomik konularda görüş ayrılıklarının ortaya çıkmasına zemin
hazırlamıştır. Aynı tarihlerde kurumsallaşma sürecini büyük ölçüde tamamlayan Rejim,
kendi içinde çatışma alanları yaratarak dönüşümünü sürdürmüştür. Böyle bir ortamda,
İran siyasetinin öne çıkan iki aktörü, dini lider ve cumhurbaşkanı siyasi rekabet
sahalarında dinamik bir ilişki biçimi oluşturmuşlardır. Bu ilişkide, güç mücadelesi ve
işbirliği çeşitli derecelerde gözlemlenmekle birlikte, Reformcular ve Muhafazakârlar
arasındaki rekabetin temel karakteri de ortaya çıkmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İran, siyasal rekabet, nükleer anlaşma, ABD-İran ilişkileri.
Religious Leader And President Relations In Iran Politics:
Hasan Ruhani’s First Period Example
Since the 1990s in Iran, the competitive features of politics, which were under pressure
during the Khomeini period, have re-emerged. While the collapse of the USSR,
strengthens the perception that the political and economic structure of the United
States is the only demandable system, this has led to disagreements in Iranian politics,
especially in economic matters. The Regime, which completed the institutionalization
process to a large extent on the same dates, has continued to transform itself by
creating conflict zones. In such a condition, the two prominent actors of Iranian
politics, the religious leader and the president, have formed a dynamic relationship in
the fields of political competition. In this relationship, power struggle and cooperation
have been observed at various levels, while the main character of competition between
Reformers and Conservatives has emerged
Keywords: Iran, political competition, nuclear agreement, US-Iran relations.
Religious Leader And President Relations In Iran Politics:
Hasan Ruhani’s First Period Example
Since the 1990s in Iran, the competitive features of politics, which were under pressure
during the Khomeini period, have re-emerged. While the collapse of the USSR,
strengthens the perception that the political and economic structure of the United
States is the only demandable system, this has led to disagreements in Iranian politics,
especially in economic matters. The Regime, which completed the institutionalization
process to a large extent on the same dates, has continued to transform itself by
creating conflict zones. In such a condition, the two prominent actors of Iranian
politics, the religious leader and the president, have formed a dynamic relationship in
the fields of political competition. In this relationship, power struggle and cooperation
have been observed at various levels, while the main character of competition between
Reformers and Conservatives has emerged
Keywords: Iran, political competition, nuclear agreement, US-Iran relations.