Meta fuzzy index functions


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, cilt.69, sa.1, ss.654-667, 2020 (ESCI) identifier


Meta-analysis was introduced to aggregate the findings of different primary studies in statistical aspects. However, in the proposed study, the term "meta" is used to aggregate different models for a specific topic with the help of fuzzy c-means clustering method. One of the motivations of the proposed method is based on the concept of indices. In the literature, there are numerous proposed indices under different conditions for a specific purpose. Our assumption is that each index has some information for a given dataset. Therefore, meta fuzzy index functions, which include each index in each function with a certain degree of membership value, are introduced in the proposed method. Currency crisis and process capability indices are chosen as applications in order to show that the proposed method can be useful tool in terms of indices.