Academic Optimism: A Phenomenological Study

Cakir S.

Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.59, sa.59, ss.27-46, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Academic optimism is linked with student achievement, controlling for the influence of socioeconomic (SES), in many developed countries. The current study adds to the existing literature by providing insightful qualitative data regarding teachers experiences of maintaining and enhancing academic optimism in a developing country. Thus, this phenomenological study aims to explore the lived experiences of teachers with regard to maintaining and enhancing academic optimism in schools situated within low socioeconomic (SES) districts. Snowball sampling is used to collect data. Data collected from in-depth interviews conducted with 20 teachers working in states schools in Istanbul and Tekirdag in Fall 2015 were analyzed using deductive thematic analysis as coined by Braun and Clarke (2006). The preselected themes which consist of collective efficacy, academic press and trust were situated within the theoretical framework of Hoy et al’s (2006) academic optimism. Participants’ responses show that developing collective efficacy for academically optimistic approach requires an initial focus on a positive change in students’ sense of connection to their school. Moreover, participants highlight the significance of alignment of personal goals with macro level developmental goals of the country in their collective practices. An academically optimistic school in terms of academic press is characterized by an acceptance of collective responsibility as a school norm in the current study. Teachers’ proactive initiatives of study programs, teacher team meetings are practices that are enacted in schools to enhance academic press. Trust in colleagues is also fostered through a school atmosphere of sincerity and friendship by teachers in the current study. Further research is recommended to explore links between the components of academic optimism and collaborative work with external stakeholders.