"From Samad Behrangi's Tunnels in Talkhoun to Chista Yasrebi's Parallel Mirrors in The Witch and the Talisman"

Niknezhadferdos H.

The First International Conference on Narrative Across Literary Genres, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran, cilt.0, sa.0, 2017 (Düzenli olarak gerçekleştirilen hakemli kongrenin bildiri kitabı)


This paper aims to critically scrutinize Samad Behrangi’s Talkhoun through the lens of Gerard Genette’s narratology and demonstrate in what aspects tunneling in Talkhoun’s narrative method spotlights the conclusion and the closure of the text; however, employing parallel mirrors and spiral style in Chista Yasrebi’s The Witch and the Talisman creates an ouroboros-like narrative mood in which the perplexing order of stories serves as Matryoshkan atmosphere and deserts the reader in the depth of the third story while the first and the second ones are still incomplete. Moreover, it could be highlighted that, via Genettian perspective, Samad Behrangi’s Talkhoun manifests a cause-effect interconnection between chain-stories whereas Chista Yasrebi’s The Witch and the Talisman expresses a spring of occurrences in which the stories remain unclosured and uncompleted.