ÖNERİ, cilt.13, sa.50, ss.247-265, 2018 (Hakemli Dergi)
Mondros Mütarekesi’nin sonrasında Fransız işgaline uğrayan İskenderun Sancağı (Hatay) bölgesi
1921 yılında Türkiye ile Fransa arasında yapılan anlaşma ile Suriye’ye bağlı, mandater, özerk bir bölge
olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu tarihten sonra hem Ankara Hükümeti hem de Abdurrahman Melek, Tayfur
Sökmen, Abdulgani Türkmen gibi Hatay bölgesinin önde gelen isimleri Hatay’ın Türkiye topraklarına
katılabilmesi için yoğun çaba sarf etmişlerdir. 1937 yılında Milletler Cemiyeti Sancak’a özel bir statü
tanımış ve Sancak Anayasası oluşturulmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra Sancak’ın geleceği hakkında karar verecek
bir meclis oluşturabilmek adına seçim yapılması .ng.rülmüştür. İlk olarak, Hatay Halk Partisi
kurulmuş, Hatay Millet Meclisi için seçim yapılmış ve seçilen 40 milletvekilinin 22’si Türklerden oluşmuştur.
Ayrıca, Ankara Hükümeti ile doğrudan temas halinde olan Hatay’ın ileri gelen Türkleri Hatay
Devleti’nin en üst makamlarında bulunmuşlardır. Hatay Hükümeti’nin Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi
programına benzer bir program oluşturması ve Hatay Millet Meclisi’nin 1924 Anayasası’na benzer yasalar
çıkarmaları gibi gelişmeler Hatay Millet Meclisi’nin Türkiye’ye katılma kararı alacağının habercisi
After the Mondros Armistice Agreement signed in 1918, most Turkish land including the İskenderun
Sanjak (Hatay region) was occupied by entente states. Since then, not only the south east part of Turkey,
but also Syria and Lebanon were under the French occupation. The İskenderun Sanjak, which underwent
French occupation following the Mondros Armistice, was defined as an autonomous territory, affiliated to
Syria with an agreement made between Turkey and France in 1921. After this date, both the Ankara Government
and the statesmen from the Sanjak namely Abdurrahman Melek, Tayfur Sökmen and Abdulgani
Turkmen had made great efforts to make the Hatay region join to Turkey, which led to a-20-year diplomatic
struggle. The Turkish dwellers who did not want to live under the French administration controlled İskenderun
Sanjak started to emigrate to the cities namely Mersin, Adana and İstanbul. The conflicts and fights
in this region caused unrest among people. Therefore, Tayfur Sökmen and his friends set up an organization
called ‘İskenderun ve Havalisi Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti’ to help the people who had emigrated to other
cities and to stand up for the rights of the ones living in Hatay’s territory. The statesmen who were the starters
of the struggle of Hatay’s freedom and the establishment of the free state were appointed to the positions
such as presidency, prime ministry, speakership after the Hatay State was founded and their allegiance
to Ankara Government were also the points which were pointed out. In this study, all the developments starting
from the Mondros Armistice Agreement till the proclamation of independent Hatay State was studied.
Both Turks from Hatay and the Turkish Republic acted patiently and effectively during the course of firstly
being an independent state and later deciding to join to Turkey in the historical process. It was also evaluated
that mainly Mustafa Kemal, later Ankara Goverment and Turkish National Assembly’s interest in this issue
was analysed. Furthermore, the daily social life of Hatay in these days, ethnic structure and bureaucratic
changes were put forward and evaluated chronologically. Due to the German threat, the French directed his
attention to his territory and wanted to leave the Sanjak by establishing a structure which was convenient to
be controlled by them. France recognized Syria’s independence and left the control of İskenderun Sanjak to
Syria in 1936. Following this, Turkey sent a diplomatic note to France claiming that the Sanjak should have
been independent. France rejected Turkey’s demand on this issue by stating that this had not been declared
in Ankara Agreement. Meanwhile, Atatürk ordered the name of İskenderun and around it to be changed as
Hatay as it is known today. In 1937, the League of Nations defined a special status for Sanjak and the Sanjak
Constitution was established. By the report written by Sandler, an appointed diplomat from the League
of Nations, Turkey and France made an agreement on this issue and the Sanjak’s territorial integrity and the
borders were granted and Turkish-Syrian borders were determined. Besides, it was also decided that an election
would be held. As a result, in order to form a parliament to determine the future of Sanjak, it was envisaged
to make an election. Following this decision firstly, the Hatay People’s Party was established and 22
of the 40 elected deputies for the Hatay Parliament were composed of Turks, who would also serve at the highest
ranks of the Hatay State for the Turks of Hatay. After the election, Hatay National Assembly was convened
in September 1938 and that day was proclaimed the national day of Hatay. On the same day, Tayfur
Sökmen was appointed as the head of the state by the vote of 40 members of the Assembly. Continuity and
transivity not only between Turkish National Assembly and Hatay National Assembly but also Republican
People’s Party and Hatay People’s Party can be understood easily. As for standing orders, they were also adjusted
to Turkish rules by rejecting Syrian rules since the deputies reminded that Hatay was an independent
state. The developments such as similarity of Hatay Government’s program to the program of RepublicanPeople’s Party and similarity of Hatay Parliament’s legislation to the 1924 Constitution foreshadowed that
the Hatay National Parliament would soon decide to be annexed to the Republic of Turkey. Another similarity
accepted by the Hatay National Assembly was the Hatay Flag, which was nearly same as Turkish Flag.
Independent Hatay State was designed completely in the direction of Turkish Government. Moreover, adjustment
laws to the Turkish Republic enacted and nearly all bureaucratic decisions were interrelated with