4. International Istanbul Breast Cancer Connference , İstanbul, Türkiye, 17 - 18 Ekim 2020, ss.4
Anxiety and depression level and body appreciation of breast cancer patients who had oncology
physician and nurse led education during postoperative radiotherapy
Gul Cankaya, Zerrin Ozgen, Ayse Korkmaz, Omer Yanartas, Beste Melek Atasoy
Department Of Radiation Oncology Marmara University Pendik Training Hospital Istanbul Turkey
In this study, we have investigated effect of education on anxiety and depression levels and body perception of
breast cancer patients during postoperative radiotherapy (RT) led by physicians and oncology nurse.
Ethical approval was obtained from institutional ethical committee. In this prospective study we have enrolled
50 patients with written consent who were operated and had indication for RT (n = 50). Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale (HAD-A1 and HAD-D1) and Body Appreciation Scale (BAS-1) were applied to patients after
first examination. Then the patients had education on these topics: steps of radiotherapy, side effects and
precautions, simulation, main points in simulation, deep breathing for patients operated on the left chest,
significance of crunches, doing deep breathing exercise, the factors in skin care during RT, lymphedema,
protection from lymphedema, making a breast self-examination, importance of inspection, importance of
preventive health screenings and its intervals, importance of nutrition and activity in breast cancer. In line with
the demands of patients, they had dietician and psychiatry support. However, radiotherapy skin reactions that
may develop on the patient's skin during treatment was followed up regularly and complaints were answered.
HAD (HAD-A2, HAD-D2) and BAS (BAS-2) were applied again after RT completed.
Mean HAD-A1 was 4.9 (0 -15) SD 0.36, whereas HAD-A2 was 1.6 (0-5) SD 1.56. HAD-D1 resulted with average
3.7 (0-16) SD at 3.89 and HAD-D2 with mean 1.08 (0-5) SD 1.17. BAS-1 resulted mean 44.50 (33-50) SD 4.67
and BAS-2 with 46.68 (36-50) SD 3.74. HAD-A scores for 39 patients had decreased with only one increased
and 10 remained same. Comparison of anxiety before and after treatment were made by Wilcoxon test;
statistically it was found decreased significantly (p <0.05). HAD-D scores of 5 patients over 11 points returned
to normal in second test. While HAD-D scores of 35 patients had decrement, 3 patients had mild increase and
12 remained stable. There was a statistically significant improvement in the depression scale (p<0.05). After
the treatment, BAS scores had statistically significant increase (p<0.05).
Anxiety in 3 patients and depression in 5 patients were high but regressed to normal. BAS scores had
increment. Patients having regularly information had decreased anxiety and depression scales. It has been
found increase in BBS scores.
HAD-A, HAD-D and BAS scales helped monitoring positive effect of information on patients on RT.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Radiotherapy, Hospital anxiety depression scale, Body appreciation scale, Breast
cancer education nurse.