Comparative Analysis of Türkiye’s Covid-19 Management Through the European Union 2020 and 2021 Türkiye Reports


ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, cilt.12, sa.2, ss.497-520, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


The European Commission, each year, prepares reports that screen the progress made by the candidate countries of the European Union (EU). EU Türkiye reports are considered to have a positive influence on Türkiye’s COVID-19 pandemic process management. Therefore, this study aims to find out whether the EU Türkiye reports have an impact on Türkiye’s COVID-19 pandemic administration. Through analysing the EU Türkiye reports published in 2020 and 2021, this study also tries to establish an association between Türkiye’s COVID-19 pandemic management and the reports published in previous years. In this context, the thematic distribution of the content of Covid-19 in the EU 2020 and 2021 Türkiye reports in the light of the progress related to epidemics and infectious diseases in Türkiye and within the framework of this distribution, answers to the questions of how Türkiye’s Covid-19 management is were sought. The main finding of the study is that Türkiye has improved its capacity to fight epidemics and is thus prepared for the Covid-19 pandemic process, with the influence of the guidance in previous reports.