Investigation of Dielectric Constants of Alcohol-Water Mixtures by Microwave (MW) Spectroscopy Technique

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Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.24, sa.2, ss.255-259, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Over the last few decades, the utilization of microwave (MW) spectroscopy applications in industry has grown dramatically. This technique is very useful as it gives very important details about alcohol-water mixtures through the measurement of dielectric parameters (Ɛ’ and Ɛ”). This research determined the dielectric parameters (Ɛ’ and Ɛ”) of ethanol-water and methanol-water mixtures for concentration changes from pure water to pure alcohol. The ethanol-water and methanol-water mixture volume fractions of 43% and 44%, respectively, as well as the molar fractions xet≈ 0.20M and xmet ≈ 0.26M, obtained the breaking points of the dielectric parameters (Ɛ’ and Ɛ”).