1st International Congress on Physiotechnotherapy, Sarajevo, Bosna-Hersek, 9 - 13 Mayıs 2018
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) in people with
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems.
Methods: 24 student with TMJ problems were randomized to the Exercise group (EG) (n = 12) and the LLLT
group (n = 12). TMJ activity-resting pain severity, dysfunction and palpation sensitivity on tmj and neck,
psychological status, severity of sensitivity on temporal and masseter muscles, neck pain and quality of life
were assessed. Both groups had a 10 session treatment consisting of correct posture training, cervical and
TMJ stretching and strengthening exercises. LLLT (wavelength: 808nm, dosage: 10j/cm2, mean output power:
1200mW duration:12 seconds for per point) group was additionally applied to the most tender four points in
masseter and temporal muscules. Wilcoxan test and Mann Whitney U tests were used in addition to
descriptive analyses for statistical analysis.
Results: Significant decrease was found in both of TMJ, cervical pain, palpation, severity of dysfunction,
sensitivity to masseter and temporal muscles, TMJ and cervical range of motion after treatment in both groups
(p <0,05). There was a significant improvement in the severity of algometer and pain especially in the LLLT
group (p <0,05).
Conclusions: It was found that LLLT in addition to exercise program affect to tenderness of the chewing
muscles, TMJ pain and range of motion for subjects with TMJ problems. It is predicted that the number of
cases is higher and that long-term effects studies are needed to obtain clearer data.