Possibilities and Limits of Incorporating Gender in Economic Adjustment Policies: The Case of the World Bank

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Ege A.

Marmara University, Journal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, cilt.30, ss.417-442, 2011 (Hakemli Dergi)


This article treats the question of women in one of the most important development agencies, the World Bank, especially concerning the effect of its Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) towards the developing world. The major idea behind the article is that women are those who suffer the most from the adverse effects of the neo-liberal agenda that is supported by these programs. It is thus discussed that The World Bank, as long as it does not question its own goals remaining in neo-liberal thinking, there is not a chance that this institution would indeed play a positive role beyond the rhetoric regarding women. While analyzing this problematic, throughout the article, the theoretical evolution regarding women and development from the “Women in Development” (WID) to arrive to a sense of “Gender and Development” (GAD) and finally to the “Gender Efficiency” approaches are as well to be examined.