Determination of Some Pesticides Harmful To Environment and Human Health in Bogazköy(Turkey) Dam Water by LC-MS/MS

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Yılmaz İ., Erdoğan G.

Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry, cilt.7, sa.3, ss.801-812, 2020 (Scopus) identifier


Pesticides are the most dangerous organic pollutants for human and environmental health. These are substances that are harmful to health, the use of which has increased in recent years, to kill pests in agricultural production. The areas of use of pesticides, apart from agricultural activities, are in the fight against mosquitoes, which cause malaria, which creates a significant health problem for human health in the landscape, construction industry, timber protection, forestry, control of aquatic organisms, industrial insect control, food storage, transportation, and community hygiene there are multiple uses such as. Excessive intake of the body leads to many diseases, cancer formation, even death. In this

study, it was aimed to analyze the pesticides Atrazine, Chlorfenvinfos, Chlorpyrifos, Diuron, Isoproturon, and Simazine simultaneously with LC-MS/MS, in Boğazköy Dam in Bursa(Turkey) and the branches that feed the dam in Bursa, İnegöl district. The samples were taken from 12 locations and were given to the device by direct injection. Environmental Quality Standards were taken as reference for the calibration of the method. Validation studies such as LOD, LOQ, linearity, and recovery have been performed for the accuracy of the method. As a result, it has been determined that the pesticide derivatives examined in the waters feeding the Boğazköy Dam and the dam itself do not exceed the Environmental Quality Standards limit values and do not pose a risk in irrigation of agricultural areas and surface waters.