Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri ve Değişim

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Özçağlayan M.

Alfa Basım Yayım, İstanbul, 1998

  • Yayın Türü: Kitap / Mesleki Kitap
  • Basım Tarihi: 1998
  • Yayınevi: Alfa Basım Yayım
  • Basıldığı Şehir: İstanbul
  • Marmara Üniversitesi Adresli: Hayır


Doktora tezinin gözden geçirilmiş, güncellenmiş ve genişletilmiş hali olan bu kitapta, yeni iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerinin toplum ve bireyler üzerindeki ekonomik, toplumsal, politik ve kültürel etkileri incelenmiş; bilgi toplumu, demokrasi ve küreselleşmeye yönelik lehte ve aleyhteki yaklaşımların analizi yapılmış; son 15-20 yılda ortaya çıkan yeni teknolojilerin sosyal ve ekonomik gelişim süreçlerindeki rolü ve potansiyel etkileri tartışılmıştır. 

Bu değişimin olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri üzerine tartışılan tüm konular kitapta genişçe değerlendirilerek, geleceğe yönelik bir bakış açısı da getirilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Tartışmaların analizinde, “teknolojik determinist” yaklaşımlardan uzak durmaya ancak, aynı zamanda teknolojinin toplumsal değişim süreçlerinde ve gelişmede oynadığı rolü ve önemi de “küçümsememeye” dikkat edilerek, bugünün değişen dünyasını anlamakta ve yorumlamakta zorlanan geçmişin kuramlarının ötesinde, yeni yaklaşımlar getirilmesi gerektiğinin altı çizilmiştir.  

New Communication Technologies and Change

The study is the updated, reviewed and developed form of the PhD thesis and has published in the form of an academic book, and examines the new communication and information technologies and their social, economic, political effects on the society and the individuals; analyzes the arguments for and against the information society, problems of democracy and globalization; discusses how we (re-) assess the role of technology in society and the potential implications of emerging technologies; identifies those communication technologies which are expected to emerge over the next decade or two. The study also includes the analysis of Turkish Television, Internet, Satellite and Cable TV practices with their historical background in a critical approach in four additional chapters.

There was a widespread speculation in the media, amongst politicians and social commentators about how the emerging communications technologies might change society in mid 1990s. Some looked forward to the day when we would be all ‘online’, connected via a mobile terminal to a vast array of information resources, able to connect and download anywhere and any time. On the other hand there were others who despair at the increasing powers of communication technologies, who foresee the further advance of a process of de-socialization and isolation.

The study tries to explore some of these issues and examines the relationship between technological progress and innovation and the society in which that progression takes place. The approach is to give a description of the features of technologies and their potential and limitations, relating them to issues of social implications by avoiding being a “technological determinist”, but also not to ignore the influence of those technologies particularly in the dynamics of the change and development in the economy, society, politics and culture. In the book, it is targeted to understand and discuss different approaches on the implications of the changing world with reference to historical examples, considering that theories sometimes could not catch the pace of technological developments and the change they have brought into our lives, so it would be necessary to review some “old” theories, which fail to understand and interpret today’s changing world.