Babacan M., Atabay Kuşçu R.(Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2022 - 2025

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2025

Proje Özeti


EU-(TR)ADE is a university curriculum development project aiming to present the students of Istanbul Medipol University with an in-depth analysis of the EU Green Deal, its effects on trade policies, and the relations between Turkey and the EU within the framework of the Green Deal. In order to achieve this goal, education and training activities will be carried out for three years, and the curriculum will be presented twice a year (14-week course per semester). In addition to the conventional way of lecturing format, innovative and participatory learning techniques, such as modeling and role-playing, will be conducted.

EU-(TR)ADE seeks to provide research and teaching experience for university students and academicians in European Union studies, specifically on the EU Green Deal and sustainable trade. In doing this, the project aims to develop EU-related subjects in the curriculums, and therefore, to enhance the EU dimension of the disciplines covered by Istanbul Medipol University.

The rationale behind this project is the growing interest among students in EU affairs. As the current social, political, and economical challenges can never be fully understood from local and regional perspectives alone, it is crucial for university students to learn about the EU’s responses to contemporary global crises, specifically economic ones, so that they can develop a better understanding of today’s dynamics between economy and environment.

Deriving from this, the courses to be provided under the curriculum of this Project will offer an introduction to the structure and functioning of the EU. Bachelor students will explore the EU and its historical evolution. As the weeks pass, the scope of the lessons will become more specific and will focus on the EU Green Deal, decarbonization, international trade, market convergence, net-zero finance, and likewise environmental and trade-related policies of the EU. It will further provide an analysis of the role of the EU as a global actor, from an environmentalist perspective with a specific focus on trade affairs.

In addition to the teaching program designed for university students, EU-(TR)ADE will gather academics, representatives of industries, groups, and organizations involved in international trade, and policymakers through workshops and seminars. As the project will require closer cooperation with professionals (including but not limited to local and state-level policy-makers, industry representatives, groups, and organizations involved in international trade), it will serve as a tool to foster the dialogue between the aforementioned actors.

The Project will serve as a tool for spreading knowledge about EU subjects among university students, academia, and the sectors. As it will foster the dialogue with international trade organizations/actors and public organizations, the Project will reach a wider target group including but not limited to policymakers, professionals, the sector, and the public, more generally. Thus, it will bring the EU closer to the actors beyond academia.

All in all, the actions proposed under EU-(TR)ADE will produce positive and long-lasting effects on both students and researchers, and therefore, will contribute to the priorities of the call in a way; (i) to increase the interest among university students in EU affairs, (ii) to increase the level of participation among students, researchers and professionals in EU activities, (iii) to increase the capacity of Istanbul Medipol University to teach EU subjects, (iv) to attract new learners and researchers in studying EU affairs.

The expected results of the project vary depending on the target groups. Students will increase their professional knowledge, skills, and social competencies, while the university will have the opportunity to diversify its educational opportunities and develop international cooperation. At the end of the project, five outputs will be produced, including four evaluation reports and a toolbox. At the end of the three-year implementation period, a total of 200 students will benefit from the project.