Tsolakidou S., Erbaysal T.(Yürütücü), İnceoğlu Y., Algül F.
Erasmus Projesi, 2020 - 2023
ERMIScom is a KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project with a consortium of 6 partners: National Kapodsitrian University of Athens (Higher Education Institution - HEI), EKO (NGO), Vrije Universiteteit Brussels (HEI), University of National and World Economy (HEI), Bahçeşehir University (HEI), Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu (HEI)
During the course of the next 31 months the project aspires to develop a common Master curriculum among the involved HEIs that will enhance the efficacy of media courses to counter fake news and hate speech spread online on social media in order to facilitate the social integration and inclusion of vulnerable social groups.