Ready Study go Around Europe Linguistic and Cultural Coaching in Initial Vocational Education (RSGA)

Berk Ş. (Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2013 - 2015

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Aralık 2013
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Kasım 2015

Proje Özeti

READY STUDY GO AROUND THE WORLD (2012-2014) will follow the European Language Award 2008 winning Ready-Study-Go Leonardo Language project for linguistic and cultural coaching. RSG 2005-2008 was a project which planned and created e-learning packages for language and cultural training for an on-the-job learning period. The project was initiated by Omnia. The languages were Estonian, Finnish, French, German and Italian. In the follow up project Ready-Study-Go Ahead! (2009-2011) the initial innovation was transferred to vehicle sector and to three new languages (Spanish, Swedish and Turkish). The aim of the RSGA World! is to transfer the innovation to two new languages, Japanese and Hungarian. This project will create both general language package for both languages and sector specific packages for the hotel and restaurant and vehicle in Hungarian. In addition, the original innovation will be transferred to the social and healthcare sector. As another transfer of innovation, the aim of the project is also to pilot new methods of learning, namely promoting social networking (Second Life as a learning environment focusing on co-operative learning as well as language learning) which is not place or time depending and presenting the material in a mobile application thus making it possible to use the material in real life working situations in work places more easily.

Material is intended to be used by vocational students to prepare for their on-the-job learning period, teachers and work place instructors. Also, employees of the on-the-job learners' will be able to use the material in their personnel training. Partnership: The material is developed by teams of vocational and language teachers. This enables development of language teaching integrated with vocational content. The partners in the project are experts in their own field of education and key actors have solid experience in trans-national projects and also in the dissemination of the result of the project. 

Network consists of 12 educational partners in 8 countries: 2 who participated in RSG 2005-2008: Omnia, ITT, 3 others who took part in RSGA 2009-2011: Lapland Vocational College, University of Alicante and Fordonsutbildningar I Örebro and 6 new partners: Tartu Health Care College, Andrássy György Secondary School of Economics and Business Administration, Ványai Ambrus Gimnázium, Informatikai és Közlekedésgépészeti Szakközépiskola, Mångkulturella Finska Folkhögskolan, Sisli Vocational/Technical Secondary Schools, Qualitas Forum and Helsinki Business College. Working language is English. Impact: The objective of the project is to improve language and cross-cultural skills of the people involved in vocational education. The tools, language and couching materials developed in RSGA World project will promote mobility in Europe.