2019 - Continues Professor
Marmara University, Institute of European Studies, European Union Law Department
2014 - Continues Associate Professor
Marmara University, Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsü, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku Anabilim Dalı
2012 - 2014 Assistant Professor
Marmara University, Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsü, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku Anabilim Dalı
2004 - 2012 Research Assistant
Marmara University, Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsü
Bir hukuki çare olarak üye devlet sorumluluğu
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
AB ve Türk hukukunda kişisel verilerin korunması - mevzuat uyumuna yönelik bir değerlendirme
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
Agreement between the EU and Turkey on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
The application of EU competition law in the European natural gas market
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
DTÖ hukukunun AB hukuk düzeninde hukuki etkileri
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
"DTÖ Hukukunun AB Hukuk Düzeninde Hukuki Etkileri"
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
B.HOJAGULYYEV(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
Türkiye'de toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşü düzenleme hakkı ve bu hakkın sivil toplum kuruluşları açısından önemi
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
Does the EU judicial review mechanism provide a complete system of remedies and procedures for private individuals?
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
The Certification Mechanism Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
Eu and Turkish competition law: A comparison
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
B.TÜRKER(Student), Postgraduate, 2018 -
Avrupa Birliği temel haklar ajansı
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
G.ÖZCEVİZ(Student), Postgraduate, 2018 -
The area of freedom,security and justice in the European Union
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
The implications of Yusuf (t-306/01) and Kadı (t-315/01) judgments on the EU legal order
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
S.ARZU(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
The implications of Yusuf (T-306/01) and kadi (T-305/01) judgments on the EU legal order
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
Legal and political dimensions of the european neighbourhood policy: The case of post-Soviet countries.
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)
Ç.ALİYEV(Student), Postgraduate, 2007 -
Legal and political dimensions of the european neighbourhood policy: the case of post-soviet countries
KARAYİĞİT M. T. (Advisor)