Istanbul Cadver Course- Cranial-Pterional, Orbitozygomatic and Cavernous Sinus Approaches

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Kongre

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2022


The course will be organized in collaboration with Turkish Neurosurgical Society, with acknowledgement of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Skull Base Committee.

Precise clinical anatomical knowledge is of paramount importance in cranial surgery, and better surgical technique will contribute to more successful surgical procedures. In the course of the organization, hands- on training on cadavers will be given by the faculties who are experts in their fields of Neurosurgery, Skull Base Surgery and Neuroanatomy. The practical workshop will also be supported by theoretical presentations.

We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul, on June 4-5, 2022.