Hibri Ali Efendi'nin Zuhrü'l-Masir adlı eseri

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: Marmara Üniversitesi, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2019

Tezin Dili: Türkçe

Öğrenci: Esra Ateş



Tezimizin konusu XVII. asırda yaşamış Hibrî Ali Efendi’nin Zuhrü’l-masîr isimli manzum akÀidnâme türündeki eseridir. Kütüphanelerde bulunan yazara ait yazma eserlerden ve kaynaklardan hareketle kendisinin medrese tahsili görmüş ve din adamı vasfını taşıdığı sonucuna varıyoruz. Müellifin Zuhrü’l-masîr isimli eseri İslâm dininin temelini oluşturan imân ve amel konularını ele alır. Buradan hareketle elimizdeki eser edebî bir metin olmaktan ziyade didaktik bir amaçla kaleme alınmıştır. Yalnızca bir yazma nüshasına ulaşabildiğimiz Zuhrü’l-masîr Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi Şehid Ali Paşa bölümü 1077 numaralı mecmuânın içindedir. Çalışmamızın giriş kısmında yazarın hayatı ve eserleri hakkında özet mahiyetinde bilgi verdik. Tezimizin I. bölümünde Zuhrü’l-masîr’in şekil ve muhteva özelliklerini inceledik. II. bölümde ise eserin transkripsiyonlu halini verdik. -------------------- Our study is an akÀid-nâme written in verse work which is about “Hibri Ali Efendi” who lived in seventeenth century. When we search the hand written works and pieces about him we can conduct that he was well educated in madrasah and he was a religious man. His work, whose name is author’s, Zuhrü’l-masîr, consists of the subjects such as faith and action. Thanks to these subjects, this work is not a literary work but its aim is didactical. We could attain a written copy of Zuhrü’l-masîr in Süleymaniye Library in the part of Şehid Ali Paşa and it is in the journal with the number of 1077. In our study’s entrance part we gave information about the writer’s life and works. In our thesis’ first part we studied Zuhrü’l-masîr’s form and content. In the part of II, we gave the work’s transcriptional form. Our study is an akÀid-nâme written in verse work which is about “Hibri Ali Efendi” who lived in seventeenth century. When we search the hand written works and pieces about him we can conduct that he was well educated in madrasah and he was a religious man. His work, whose name is author’s, Zuhrü’l-masîr, consists of the subjects such as faith and action. Thanks to these subjects, this work is not a literary work but its aim is didactical. We could attain a written copy of Zuhrü’l-masîr in Süleymaniye Library in the part of Şehid Ali Paşa and it is in the journal with the number of 1077. In our study’s entrance part we gave information about the writer’s life and works. In our thesis’ first part we studied Zuhrü’l-masîr’s form and content. In the part of II, we gave the work’s transcriptional form.